Friday, February 20, 2009

Mortgage Bailout

So after having spent $787 Billion on pork projects which make Politicians feel good about themselves, which does nothing to put money back in taxpayers pockets, and which decreases our purchasing power because of the 14% inflation he helped create, Obama is now going to give away $275 Billion to people that bought homes they couldn't afford. Every rationale given for why this is necessary boils down to people having purchased homes they couldn't afford. Meanwhile, people that can afford their home are screwed because they get no help from the Federal Government, just less purchasing power because this $275 Billion is going to further deflate the value of their dollar.

The real problem I have will all of this, and as a Taxpayer this is a big problem for me, is that my money is taken from each paycheck and given to someone else. In this case it's given to banks that made horrible decisions in lending to people that were absolutely unqualified to receive a home loan and my money is also given to those same people that should have NEVER received that mortgage to begin with. This is just pure tyranny and I'm the helpless victim in this. I have no recourse against those banks and no recourse against those individuals that are living off me and no recourse against the big tyrant himself, government.

The U.S. Legislature is filthy and needs to be cleaned out. We do need another Boston Tea Party like what Rick Santelli called for on CNBC. We need a Revolution against the Tyranny of King B.O. and his cohorts.

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