Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mexico conquered the United States???

What are Mexicans in the U.S. thinking?! This is unacceptable by Foreign Nationals. When you come to the U.S., and naturalize yourself, you better start acting like an American. The owner of that bar should be the first victim of the new Mexican-American War. We're being invaded by a Trojan Horse, only in this case, We the People are aware of this ploy and have to deal with an inept Government in resolving this issue.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Hillary Marx

"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few and for the few, time to reject the idea of an 'on your own' society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity. I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society." (Sen. Hillary Clinton, Remarks At Manchester School of Technology, Manchester, NH, 5/29/07)

I pray that this country does not elect this woman as President. We already have a problem with government seizures of private property in order to build businesses that will increase their tax receipts, i.e. Home Depots, Costcos, WalMarts, etc. Hillary has no problem stealing money from higher income earners to pay for her agenda and her programs. Can people not see the envy in her policies? "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable," is her mantra. If she believes in National Health Care, let her create a foundation that supports low income earners receiving supplemented health insurance plans, or free insurance at that. Stop the insane nonsense that it's everyone else's burden to take care of people that don't want to take care of themselves. Again, I'll paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, the less we do for others, the more they're forced to do for themselves. Let's erase the notion that envy is a virtue. Defeat Hillary!!!

Wimpy Republicans at it again

"That night, in a supposedly-recorded House vote, Republicans defeated -- by 215-213 -- a measure Democrats desperately wanted to ensure that welfare benefits would continue to flow to illegal aliens. The vote was reopened to allow Members to change their votes. When the Cong. Mike McNulty struck the gavel again, the vote was a 214-214 tie. Under the rules of the House, tie votes are a win for the Democratic majority. According to a source close to the Select Committee’s investigation, “And frankly if you played the [video] tape, that’s what it looked like. On closer examination, believe it or not it’s actually worse.” House Democrats running the Select Committee are very uneasy that -- in its first day of hearings -- the investigation revealed that not only was the vote reopened improperly, but that once reopened, it was then closed early to cut off timely Republican votes in order to produce the tie."

-If the shoe were on the other foot, there would be front page headlines on NY Times, LA Times, SF Chronicle, etc. lambasting Republicans for illegal tactics, stemming the people's voice, etc. Where is the backbone of the Republican Party?! Why do they play nice with these lawless Socialist that are destroying this country by forcing their will on us?! Do Republican Lawmakers lack testicles?! I don’t understand playing nice with the enemy, perhaps this is why we won’t win the War on Terror because Republicans lack any semblance of fortitude for fighting for anything, let alone their beliefs. If Republicans can’t fight for their beliefs, then they deserve to be trammeled this upcoming election and the entire country deserves what it gets for electing these backboneless wimps.