Friday, December 21, 2012

2nd Amendment Means What?

In Light of the Tragedy at a Newton, Connecticut Elementary School, the Obama Administration and several of his patsy Democrats in Congress are calling for stricter Gun Control measures. The facts are the shooter's mother legally obtained her firearms, was murdered by her psychotic son who then took her firearms to a school and murdered 20 children and six staff members. Even preventing future sales of certain semi-automatic rifles referred to by idiots as assault rifles will not prevent such a tragedy. Banning high capacity magazines will not prevent such a tragedy. This tragedy is the result of our Government's policy of not forcefully locking up psychotic individuals and others with a shown propensity towards violence. This tragedy is also the result of our Government's policy of prohibiting firearms on public school grounds by school Administration officials that are trained in the use of firearms. 

The Bill of Rights is a wholly unnecessary document. All Power, Authority and Rights exist within the People except for those specifically ceded to the Federal Government in Article 1, Section 8. The Bill of Rights was written so that certain individuals could have in writing what their Rights were, and therefore support the Constitution, because they didn't trust the Government enough to believe that their Rights were secure without a Document stating so. This whole argument over what the 2nd Amendment means is a non sequitur. The Federal Government has no Authority to determine what firearms we can and cannot own. And to all the idiots out there calling certain semi-automatic rifles 'assault' rifles, please define what action on a semi-automatic rifle makes it an assault rifle?

"If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves." - Joseph "Barack Hussein Obama" Stalin