Friday, January 9, 2009

Obama talking with Osama

In this UK Guardian article, it comes to light that Obama's Administration will conduct low level talks with Hamas, which is a US State Department designated Terrorist Organization. Hamas is the same group that controls the Gaza Strip in Israel, which was voted to power by the Palestinian people, and is the same group that Israel is currently battling to eliminate their ability to fire rockets and mortar rounds into Israel.

I remember reading before the election that Obama Campaign Officials had met with members of Hamas. One can read in this post-election article by Haaretz, an Israeli news source, that Hamas announced their officials met with Obama officials during Obama's visit to Israel in July 2008.

It's unsettling that Obama would give credence to Hamas, a Terrorist Organization, by having any type of official talks with them. I find this analogous to President Bush sending Condoleeza Rice to meet with Ayman al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's No. 2, to discuss how the US and Al Qaeda can live in peace. I just don't understand the logic in meeting with a Terrorist Organization. I think if anything, we should help Islamic Terrorists meet their 72 virgins as quickly as possible. We did know during the Election that Obama had no qualms about engaging in dialogue with rogue regimes, this is just the beginning. Unfortunately this unqualified man will be our President and will direct our policies, both foreign and domestic, and one can only pray he doesn't make things worse.

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