Monday, January 26, 2009

Guess the State

"The [blank] State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State. "

You might be able to guess what type of state is mentioned in the aforementioned quote, but I'll make the case first how our country seemingly lines up with it. In this International Herald Tribune article by David E. Sanger, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) states, "If we are strengthening them [banks], then the American people should get some of the upside of that strengthening. Some people call that nationalization." I don't know what that retard from SF thinks nationalization is, but when the government buys the controlling shares of any company, by definition it's nationalization.

When the government starts nationalizing any industry, it's a foregone conclusion that all industries are subject to nationalization under the original rationale that nationalization is a good thing. Currently, the banking industry is subjecting itself to nationalization in order to bail itself out from their unscrupulous lending practices, but at a future point, who's not to say that all banks must be nationalized. If the banking sector is that crucial to our Economic livelihood, what about Agriculture? Transportation? Automotive? Other Industries?

I think about how our United States Post Office is run. Always over budget and in the red, asking for more money, delivering the same services but at ever increasing costs (i.e. postage stamp increases). Their employees are unionized and run the Post Office as efficient as the DMV. These employees make $52,747 to start, plus all their other benefits according to their own Union website and the US Postal Employee Network website and move as slow as snails when you walk in and take a number. Another wonderful example of American Nationalization, is Amtrak. Ever used it? It's less efficient than carrying home groceries in a wet paper sack. I used Amtrak once, my first and last time, to get from Riverside to Davis, CA. It took over 14 hours. I could have driven to Oregon by that time. I had to even take a bus for two of three portions of the trip. I'm an isolated example, but I've never heard a positive story from anyone that ever had the experience of riding on an Amtrak train. I can't wait to see what services I lose and the upcoming costs that I'll incur once the Govt. takes over Citibank. Just one last example to think about is after 9/11 the Transportation Security Agency nationalized Airport Security.

When it comes to Education in this country, there's no doubt about which Political Party has a hegemony on what our children are taught. I think Ann Coulter said it perfectly, "More fifth graders know how to put on a condom than can name the first US President." I believe the downfall of our Education System started with the Scopes trial which allowed the teaching of a theory in our school system, Evolution. Nowadays, Evolution is taken as fact, and anyone that challenges it is labeled [insert pejorative]. Also recall that when Liberals are confronted with facts, they have to use a pejorative to dismiss your argument. Currently our Public Education system is a failure, especially when compared with other Industrialized Nations, and even sometimes 3rd world countries as read in this CBS News article. With the Democrats solution being to give more money to schools, the underlying causes of our Public Education failure will never be addressed and thus our education will never improve and Taxpayers will be further burdened.

With humanism as our moral compass, and Obama rescinding Executive Orders that ban Federal funding of Abortion for example, it's not hard to imagine what direction we're headed when we deem Infanticide a Federally funded right. It's laughable when anyone states this is a Christian Nation. How is that so when Happy Holidays are what's said during Christmas time. How is that so when God is being removed from public? Like School Prayer? Pledge of Allegiance? How soon before our currency has "In God We Trust" removed? How laughable was it when Al Gore quoted his favorite passage of Scripture and fandangled it, and he was actually praised by the media for quoting the Bible.

I conclude by stating that "[blank] State" mentioned in the opening quote is a Fascist State and the quote is from Benito Mussolini in 1935, "The Doctrine of Fascism."


adam said...

This is a little off-topic, but you did mention how the liberals are trying to remove God from everything. The further God is removed from our nation, the further down the tubes we'll go. You can call Christians any sort of name you want to put us down and make us seem crazy. However, we've known this was coming. Any true Christian knows that the U.S. plays no part in the Bible, therefore we know it's just a matter of time before we descend to that point. I doubt anyone before the 60's would think they could see our nation falling within their lifetimes. Now though, it seems we are crashing at an exponential rate. For those of you who don't know, the world (not just our country) is headed for absolute chaos. This is what the antichrist will need to set up his kingdom. I believe that our country is slowly being bought out by the gov't. I've felt for the past ten years, that once the gov't takes away one right from us, it'll begin a rapid and easy task to take away the rest. The first I believe will be our right to bear arms. I believe there will be more and more assassinations and murders of people that will cause this. It will come to a point where the gov't will lobby to have all guns removed or will make the restrictions to get guns by a private citizens more extreme. The gov't hasn't had much involvement in our freedom of speech, but look what happens in the private sector and in the media. Gays are all about being "open and proud" and it's becoming increasingly Ok to accept in society. However, say "Merry Christmas" to someone and your imposing on their freedom and their way of life. Well guess what? Celebrating Christmas is MY way of life, so how come I can't say that with openess and pride? It's so backwards it's gone in reverse. No we're under attack for doing what we've always done. If our forefathers of our country could see what we've done, they'd call it an abomination of what they worked so hard to accomplish. Obama wants to befriend all the nations and just make us look like good guys. We were good when we fought for what was right, not bowed down to appear as good friends to all. God destroyed the Babylonians for their attempt to work together and rely on eachother. They forgot to rely on Him and they were divided. We were a Christian nation united for God, but divided among the world. We were prosperous overall the whole time. But the more God is being removed from us, the more we are sucked into a vortex of despair and depression and the next few years will show if we can prevail or if our strength is just a reflection of the past.

JP Ramey said...

I agree that God is being removed from this country, but I would make the argument it's the Secularists that are doing it, because of groups like Americans United for Separation of Church and State, that push for the removal of God from the Public Sphere. But I think what's given rise in this county is Humanism, a belief system in that what's right and wrong as determined by the majority.

Take for example the majority that believes government is the solution. When any problem arises, people seek the government's solution, and don't look to themselves. If they're laid off, no need to have saved money because you get unemployment. Some might say that unemployment compensation is a good thing, but is it? What are the consequences of unemployment compensation? How about you always pay taxes for it, but if you're never unemployed, you never reap the benefits. However, if you put money aside, you only have to put so much aside, say six months of take home income, to have a safety net. But once it's saved it's always there and you no longer have to put that money aside every month. People that say that’s too difficult I think lack fiscal responsibility, and that lack of responsibility is why I believe we seek the government’s solution to our woes. The same thing can be said about Social Security and the people that lack the fiscal responsibility to put money into a 401k or other deferred compensation plan, and thus rely on government so they can retire. Same thing for State Disability Insurance (CA SDI), why not buy an Insurance Policy that covers disability and pay the monthly premiums, after so many years the policy is paid off and you’ll have coverage for life. In all cases, it’s a deprivation of our fundamental right to care for ourselves. In all cases people are deprived of their financial resources in order to take care of someone that doesn’t care as much to take care of themselves.

If we think about the repercussions of governments actions in each of these cases, we begin to illuminate what’s occurring in this country right now. Since 1999, when Clinton forced banks to make more sub-prime loans to poor (read minorities), more people could purchase a home then ever before, however those same people could not necessarily afford it. Banks, with their newfound financial resources made available because Clinton undid the Glass-Steagall Act which separated investment banking from financial banking (savings/checking/CD’s/ etc.), created new schemes like Alt-A, ARM, Option ARM, etc. mortgages and repackaged them as securities and sold them off to mostly foreign investors. Eventually this “ponzi” scheme collapsed and took down financial giants with it. 50% of the wealth in this country is owned by 10% of the population, and the 90% of us are somewhere on the bottom, which means a lot of people are hurting from the lack of credit compared to the upper crust which have more wealth and can afford an economic downturn. But what does this mean? It means that “we” look to “them” to bail us out of our fandangled situation. We determine, that “they” have to give us money in order to fix the Economy. Never mind the fact that taking away their financial resources hurts us because when we raise their taxes, they cut jobs or don’t give as much of a pay raise. Never mind the fact that the Federal Reserve printing more money to pay for “Economic Stimulus” packages means our dollar is devalued, and thus our purchasing power is diminished. Facts don’t matter when the majority determine what’s “right.”

It’s outrageous that Politicians even talk about somehow mitigating the mortgage crises by bailing out people that bought homes they couldn’t afford. It’s just as outrageous as bailing out banks that made these unscrupulous loans. All those people that partook in this should face the consequences of their actions. Allow the savers to reap the benefits of saving their money when they go to purchase homes they can now afford the mortgage for. Allow the scrupulous banks who didn’t make subprime loans to borrowers that could never afford to repay the loan, allow them to come to power and take our money and invest it wisely pay us interest in return. That is how a Free Market works. But when the majority of us can simply concur that people should bail us out of our decisions, then the system is turned on its head. It doesn’t make sense to the rest of us that followed the old adage that a penny saved is a penny earned. I think we can foresee the consequences of allowing the majority to determine the morality of what’s right and wrong. I think we can foresee a time in the not too distant future where more of what’s right is wrong and what’s wrong is right is commonplace.