Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Obama should not be President

  • Out of his four years in the US Senate, two years were spent campaigning. He's politically naive at the National level. He's the most inexperienced US Senator to run for Presidency in United States History.
  • He told reporters that the US should go to the UN Security Council regarding Russia's invasion of Georgia only to find out that Russia has VETO POWER in the UN Security Council.
  • He has no Executive experience to speak of and has never, not once, been the author of any policy, be it Illinois State Senate or US Senate.
  • His political career was launched from the living room of William Ayers, a Domestic Terrorist.
  • The impropriety of his relationship with Tony Rezko and the sweet housing deal Rezko setup for Obama and his wife to purchase a home they couldn't afford.
  • His Tax Policy is Marxist. He will raise taxes on the "Rich" to cut taxes for the Middle Class. He will raise taxes on Corporations which already pay higher taxes than Europe. His Tax Policy will cause Economic Stagflation and devastate the Lower and Middle Class.
  • He and his Running Mate Joe Biden both voted for the $700 Billion Bail-out of Wall Street rather than allow moral hazards to return to an unscrupulous banking and investment system.
  • He's proposed; massive cuts in military spending, cutting off future weapons development, cutting off funding for anti-ICBM technology, cutting our nuclear arsenal.
  • He adamantly refuses to recognize the successes we've had in Iraq, including the surge strategy.
  • He's ardently pro-Abortion; failing to even vote to end partial birth Abortion.
  • He's endorsed by Teacher's Unions across the country and thus unable to carry out the necessary reforms needed to improve our education system.
  • He told Jews that there should not be a divided Jerusalem at one meeting. Then he turned around and told Palestinians there should be a two state solution with East Jerusalem as its capital at another meeting. Similar to his inability to pick a side and thus voted present 130 times in the Illinois State Senate. Similar to his inability to pick a team and thus supported both teams in the World Series. Similar to his inability to advocate a position while President of Harvard Law Review and thus wrote possibly one article during his one year term.
  • He promised to run on Public Financing only to renege on his promise and raise over $600 million, with a preposterous advantage over John McCain's $85 million in Public Financing. He's buying the White House for crying out loud.


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