Thursday, September 18, 2008

What does Obama think?

Barack Obama said the following at a fundraiser held by Barbara Streisand, "A lot of people have gotten nervous and concerned. Why is this as close as it is and what's going on? Well, we always knew this was going to be hard. This is a leap for the American people."

The setting is Obama speaking to the Hollywood actors, actresses and other celebrity personalities. "We" would refer to him and them. But why the distinction between them and the "American people?" What does Obama think about the American people when he distinguishes himself from them in his comments?

I've believed from the get go that Obama has an internal conflict over race. He has spoken of his own grandmother regarding perceived racial sentiments of hers; he's written in his book about how it is one should speak to white people in a social setting; he attended a black-centered church for 20 years under Rev. Jeremiah Wright who espoused bigoted and prejudiced sentiments; he ran a race-baiting Spanish language ad yesterday trying to tie John McCain to out of context statements from Rush Limbaugh regarding illegal immigration; and now this latest comment about how it would be a "hard" election and a "leap" for the American people to elect him.

Bill & Hillary Clinton faced the same underlying racist statements from Obama during the Primary Election. Now John McCain will face the same statements, only worse now that Obama has Liberal elitists and pundits excusing him.

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