Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in the mid 19 century. He outlined ten steps a capitalist society must take in order to switch to communism.
- Abolition of Private Property
- Progressive Income Tax
- Abolition of Inheritance Rights
- Confiscation of Property
- Centralization of all credit by means of a centralized banking system
- Centralization of communication and transportation
- Central control of factories, means of production, cultivation of land
- Equal liability of all to labor
- Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries
- Free education for all children by means of government schooling
Numbers 1 & 3 are somewhat related in that private property can be confiscated by means of taxing inheritance. If a farm is worth $1 million, and the government demands 15% estate tax, and the inheritor has no means of paying the 15% estate tax, the land is sold and the government collects its tax. The private property is thus confiscated. You can further extrapolate that the government would collect more taxes when new property owners acquire the land at an appreciated value.
Number 2 in the US is self explanatory. The more you make, the higher percent income tax you pay.
Number 4 in the US is what we call eminent domain. The government can seize your land, though sometimes justifiable to build infrastructure, most cities abuse this power to attract a more lucrative tax base.
Number 5. In 1913, Bankers met in secret on Jekyll Island to come up with legislation that would be signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. Known as the Federal Reserve Act, the US Treasury, as mandated by the Constitution, took its Constitutional directed authority to print money and handed it over to the Federal Reserve Bank. Look on your dollar and you'll see "Federal Reserve Note." The Federal Reserve Bank gladly prints our money and charges us interest. To this day, we owe more than $900 billion to the Federal Reserve for printing our money since 1913. Centralization of credit and banking? I think so.
Number 6. How about U.S. Department of Transportation which includes the FHWA, FAA, FRA and the FTA? How about the Federal Communications Commission, created in 1934 by the Communications Act? That seems centralized to me. Ask Howard Stern how he likes the FCC fining him, or as I call it, violating his Freedom of Speech.
Numbers 7 and 9. How about the Federal Department of Labor? The Federal Department of Agriculture? Have you ever tried to run a business, whether manufacturing, selling/buying goods, construction, farming, grocery store, etc. and not comply with Department of Labor or Department of Agriculture regulations? Hire children or pay less than minimum wage and see how quickly you end up in jail. Conversely, try and work without a permit when you're a teenager.
Number 8. Welfare? Social Security? Medicare? Disability? All those are taxes you pay, which by the way, taxes are confiscation of private property (No. 4).
Number 10. Federal Department of Education. State Department of Education. Local Unified School District. All three entities collect taxes too, or as I said in number 8, confiscate private property. Property taxes for instance help fund USD's, Income Taxes help fund the Federal Department of Education, States use Income Taxes or Property Taxes or Sales Taxes to fund their programs. Even if your child is home schooled, and you don't partake in government education, you still pay those taxes. Try not paying them, along with any other tax, and see what happens. If you think government education is necessary, think again. The US never had government education until the turn of the 20th century. The US actually had higher literacy rates before public education. Private schools cost half what public schools do, and have 100% more accountability, your checkbook. You don't even have the right to transfer your child out of an under performing school. That's one area Liberals think you don't have the right to choose.
1 comment:
Our education system is a joke. The only happiness it brings me is knowing that i only have to compete against retards if i ever need a job. The sad thing is that these people will run our country. There will always be the elite, but just look at how many people voted for obama just because he's black or because he's not a republican? It's a joke how uninformed people are. I know I'm not the most versed person in the world, but at least I have common sense and can think and learn. I think my generation (children born in the early 80's) will be the last strong generation. As I said in another post other rights that are being taken away are our gun rights and freedom of speech. What happens to a society that can't defend themselves through words or arms? They are a defenseless weak society that will succumb the corrupt government. Watch, the closer they come to taking away our guns and freedom of speech, the closer we will be to a socialist state. Oh, but one correction, we can have a freedom of speech as long as it involves telling conservatives how wrong and insensitive and bigoted they are. but tell a liberal the same and you are immediately considered those things. it's ridiculous.
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