Thursday, September 25, 2008

The say anything Democrats

On a daily basis, I read to what new lows the Democrats have sunk in order to attack John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Democrats started with Jimmy Carter, that John McCain talks too much about being a Prisoner of War during Viet Nam. Is it that he talks too much about a real experience unlike John Kerry who went to Cambodia, but really didn't? Or is it more than John Kerry who talked incessantly about being the Captain of a Gunboat during the Presidential debates in 2004?

Second, Democrats started in on Sarah Palin, criticizing her "lack of political experience" and continously refer to her as the Mayor of a small town in Alaska, willfully neglecting that she's the Governor of Alaska and has served as Governor longer than the number of days Obama served in the US Senate (140 days). Then they criticize her for being the Governor of a small state, but again willfully neglect that Obama was one of 59 State Senators, representing approximately 12.9 million people, or approximately 220,000 people per State Senator. Hmm...

Democrats then went back to attacking McCain on economic issues. If you read one of my previous blog entries, you'll see that it was Democrats under Clinton who overturned the parts of the Glass-Steagall Act that separated Investment Banking from Banks that handle Deposits. Today it's being reported ( that Bill Clinton, when he was President, also pressured Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to absorb higher-risk loans from low income earners. Hmm... what happens when a Bank, or any loan institution for that matter, guarantees high-risk mortgages and they start to go bust? How about the current Economic crisis? Now Democrats are bringing up the Keating Five Scandal, which three DEMOCRAT Senators were found guilty of having interfered with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB), but John McCain was exonerated. Robert Bennett, who investigated the scandal for the Senate Ethics Committee, also testified that there was no evidence tying John McCain to improper interfering in the FHLBB investigation into Keating. Robert Bennett is also the same lawyer who defended Bill Clinton during Monica Lewinsky.

Now Democrats are back on Palin. ABC news ( reported that on Wednesday, Alcee Hastings, a Democrat Representative from Florida, said Palin doesn't care about black people or Jews. "If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through." This is the problem with ignorance. Blacks all too soon forgot what the Party of Lincoln did for them, Abolition of Slavery. A higher percentage of Republicans also voted for the Civil Rights Amendment. Democrats was the Party that spun off the segregationist Dixiecrats in 1948. Robert KKK Byrd, amongst many of the 35 that split, eventually rejoined the Democrat Party after the Dixiecrats 1948 failure. Furthermore, the base of the Republican Party is Evangelicals, most of which are ardent supporters of Israel. Palin has constantly spoke out in favor of Israel. It's anti-Semites like Jesse Jackson who called Jews "Diamond Merchants" and Al Sharpton who incited blacks, because of Tawana Brawley, that led to the death of an innocent Jewish man, both Democrat contenders for the White House, that Jews should fear. Democrats constantly exploit fear and race mongering in order to scare Voters into supporting their candidate. Read Fatimah Ali's article ( in Philadelphia Daily News where she states, "If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!"

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