Monday, April 6, 2009

Nuclear Disarmament

Pres. Obama's naivete is at it again. He now wants a nuclear weapon free world. Who doesn't. However, he said in his speech in Prague the United States is going to implement "concrete steps" towards nuclear arms reduction. That's great and all if ALL other countries go along with reduction treaties and disarmament, however this dork stated "we'll seek an agreement by the end of this year that's legally binding." Binding by who? How do you enforce that? We could not even enforce U.N. Resolutions, six of them, when going after Iraq for possession of chemical and biological weapon programs and the their refusal to allow weapons inspectors to have unfettered access to weapon sites. Does this idiot honestly believe he could force Russia or China to acquiesce their sovereignty to a "legally binding" "agreement"?! This is naive.

He goes on to state that "the United States will seek a new treaty that verifiably ends the production of fissile materials intended for use in State nuclear weapons." My God, is that not what Iran is currently doing and what Pres. Bush failed to stop and what Pres. Obama is currently failing to stop? What happens if they build the bomb by the time this treaty is signed? This is reminiscent of the same failure of foresight that occurred in the not too distant past when Pres. Clinton gave North Korea materials that were later used to make a nuclear weapon. History is repeating itself and this megalomaniac thinks he has the power to make the same mistakes and expect a different result. Not only is this naive, he arrogantly believes he'll know what their intention is for the fissile material. Isn't Iran making the argument that enriched uranium is needed for their nuclear power plants? Isn't enriched uranium also a source for nuclear weapons when enriched to a higher grade? What naivete.

His second step is to strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by preventing non-nuclear armed Nations from acquiring nuclear weapons, and current nuclear armed nations will "move towards disarmament." "We need more resources and authority to strengthen international inspections." Again, six UN resolutions did not force Iraq to grant unfettered access to weapon sites. How does he plan on inspecting China and Russia? More importantly, will he grant international inspectors unfettered access to American weapon production sites? It's simply naive. "We need real and immediate consequences for countries caught breaking the rules." Oh, countries like North Korea which recently tested an ICBM. What type of consequence will prevent the insane from insane decisions? Nothing has prevented Iran from further development of its nuclear weapons program. Obama never specifies any consequence, knowing that any consequence will be inconsequential to a country determined to not play by the rules. This is mere international campaign rhetoric. The Demagogue in Chief is at it again and his sheeple are loving it. This man is a jackass.

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