Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nidal al-Mughrabi is an Idiot

I wrote the other day about anti-Israel bias in several news accounts. Here's another example of the intelligence of those Anti-Semites that strain as much as possible to paint Israel in a bad light.

In this Reuters' article again by Nidal al-Mughrabi, he states in his opening paragraph that, "Palestinians in Gaza observed a 24-hour halt to rocket fire against Israel at the request of Egyptian mediators who made efforts to restore a longer truce." Hysterically enough, nine paragraphs later, after he goes on for eight paragraphs about how much Hamas has done to create a new ceasefire agreement, he comically states, "The hold on firing seemed to be observed, with only two rockets and a mortar reported to have been fired on Monday from Gaza, and a rocket and four mortars shot on Sunday night."

My God if this wasn't real, it would be a great comedy but this is the type of intelligence that Reuters employs to inform its readership?! This is as bad as Keith Ellison of the NYT writing fiction and passing it off as news. It's no wonder that most of the "informed" world hates Israel, if they don't read more than the opening paragraphs of any of these news accounts, they'll only be capable of having negative "informed" opinions of Israel's actions. I think I can forsee now how the world would abandon Israel and not come to her aid in a future Middle East War against Israel. It's too easy to be an Anti-Semite.

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