Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Maaat Daaamon

Matt Damon on John McCain dying in office, "1 out of 3 chance he doesn't survive his first term"

John McCain is a male aged 72. Per an actual Actuarial Life Table from the Social Security Administration, John McCain has a 3.3% chance of dying within the next year. If he were to serve a full term, at age 76, he would have a 4.8% chance of dying within that year. With this in mind, Joe Biden who turns 66 in November, has a 2.0% chance of dying within the next year.

Regardless, McCain has decades more experience in the US Senate than Obama, and Palin has years more of Executive Experience than Obama. I suggest Democrats come up with a new reason why McCain-Palin shouldn't be the winning ticket and if age is an issue, Obama should dump Biden and pick a younger running mate with a much lower percent chance of dying within the next year.

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