Thursday, August 16, 2007

Silence of Free Speech

We have slowly legalized the silence of freedom of speech by enacting laws that arbitrarily dictate what speech is with and without consequence, namely hate speech laws. We have legalized the silence of freedom of speech of political candidates and their supporters by enacting laws that arbitrarily dictate when debate can occur and when it must cease under McCain-Feingold. The Bill of Rights grants Congress no such authority nor is any such law remotely Constitutional. This abrogation of our fundamental right to freedom of speech without government reprisal is the first Constitutional grievance that must be addressed by electing to power a Third Party.

With Democrats and Republicans and their track record, there is no end in sight as to how far they will take their Hate Speech Laws, McCain-Feingold Political Speech Limitations, and punishment for those that break those laws. When did Americans decide to forfeit the right to say what they want? I never voted for that. Vote Democrats and Republicans out of office and vote into power a Third Party which will restore the right to Americans to speak their mind without fear of reprisal. We can start with eliminating all Hate Speech Laws, McCain-Feingold, and castrating the FCC if not eliminating it all together. Take back America and remind Politicians when you vote them out of office that our rights cannot be abrogated.

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