Thursday, August 6, 2009

Über Ridiculous News Articles

In this NY Post article, details come to light about the return of Bill Clinton and DPRK's former hostages, Euna Lee and Laura Ling. Entertainment mogul Steve Bing, notable for 'Get Carter,' 'The Polar Express' and 'Beowulf,' lent his Boeing 737 for the journey, costing him $200,000 in fuel alone; he also enlisted the help of his Hollywood PR firm, Rogers & Cowan, to setup "Hangar 25 at Bob Hope International Airport in Burbank" with "three press risers to accommodate more than 100 media and TV crews, and contracted an in-house photographer to capture the event."

Now, the event itself, the return of two captured American hostages, was remarkable and noteworthy, however something is rotten in the State of Denmark. I can't help but think that the Democrats need some sort of grand distraction from their failing foreign and domestic policies, and this "Wag the Dog" sort of Hollywood PR / Hollywood Entertainment Mogul orchestrating the grandiose return, complete with weeping family members and former President Clinton and Vice President Gore hugging each other, is just the sort of thing that distracts most Americans. It was completely an orchestrated Kodak moment.
In this video, courtesy of Real Clear Politics, one can hear Nancy Pelosi talking about Protesters "carrying Swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care." Now, if it were true that these Protesters were carrying Swastikas and the like, does she have any corroborative witnesses? Otherwise, I believe this is another bold faced lie, an outright farcical assertion meant to detract from legitimate debate about an issue that will affect every American. Let's not forget that 5/6 of America has health insurance, and if we're worried that this Obamacare is going to screw up our health insurance, you better be sure we're going to voice our concerns; and when taken in light with previous comments from Obama about Universal / Single Payer Health Care, we have a legitimate grievance that this road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Nancy Pelosi is a twit, and when this National Health Insurance boondoggle collapses, so should her speakership. Americans are finally speaking loud and clear, we don't like Socialism! Will the Democrats listen??
In this Washington Post article, author Philip Kennicott discusses the recent poster found in Los Angeles depicting Obama in a Joker-esque comparison to the recent Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger, with the word "socialism" beneath its depiction. Now, most people would understand this to be a mockery of the "Hope" poster that permeated any and all coverage of Obama during the Presidential Primary. Unfortunately for douche bag author Philip Kennicott, the only thing he's able to see is his self-projected racist ideals.

He actually stated, "By using the 'urban' makeup of the Heath Ledger Joker, instead of the urbane makeup of the Jack Nicholson character, the poster connects Obama to something many of his detractors fear but can't openly discuss. He is black and he is identified with the inner city, a source of political instability in the 1960s and '70s, and a lingering bogeyman in political consciousness despite falling crime rates." In addition to being a racist, this douche bag author has a short term memory problem too. In case he didn't recall, Obama is half-white. Obama was partly raised in Indonesia. Obama was afterwards raised by both his white grandparents in Hawaii. [enter sarcasm] Of course when Americans think of ghetto urban black men, we think of Honolulu... not. This country won't recover from Slavery, Jim Crow, etc. until people stop finding racism in everything; and we most definitely will not recover as long as others are projecting outward their inner racist ideals.
In this Dallas News article, "Texas Sen. John Cornyn, accusing the White House of compiling an 'enemies list,' has asked President Barack Obama to stop an effort to collect 'fishy' information Americans see about a health care overhaul." This was in response to the White House official website which asked that "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

In the former DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik), aka East Germany, the most effective means of gathering information via the Stasi, was the use of 2.5% of its civilian population. Does anyone see any parallels here? The informants in the DDR were used to root out the 'class enemy.' Those who didn't agree with the benevolent State were arrested, falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit, imprisoned, re-educated, etc. President Obama is on the record advocating a Civilian Force equal to or greater than our military. The path we're walking down is a dangerous one. Fascism, or as defined by Mussolini who wrote Facismo Manifesto, corporatism, is already alive in this country. Think about red light cameras, speed cameras, etc. Any time a corporation merges with the State to enforce State Law, it's part of a fascist regime. I'm not saying that Obama is a Fascist, but...
In this Columbus Dispatch article, ambivalence of the law has run amok again, in this case, involving a police officer. A "Gahanna police officer pleaded guilty this morning to speeding charges after he was ticketed last month for traveling almost 150 miles per hour on a motorcycle." Not only was he caught eight days previously, he was also warned via phone call to his superiors. Granted there are good cops, but there are bad cops too.

This brings up this morning when I was on the train. Now most people probably won't agree with my conclusion regarding this story, but nonetheless, I was taking the Metrolink Gold Line from Union Station to Pasadena for work. The LA County Sheriffs routinely get on the train and ask for proof of fare. This morning the cop got on, did his routine, then talked to a nearby passenger. The man asked why the cops were on, and the cop said to check proof of fare but also to provide safety. Fair enough, however he elaborated and stated that they're responsible for making the trains safe. Now, I don't disagree that police presence provides safety, but the police aren't around 100% of the time. No person is going to commit a crime either if they know the police are on board. The reason crime is committed is because a person believes chance is on their side and they therefore won't get caught.

Robert A. Heinlein is famous for the phrase, "An armed society is a polite society." If we stopped to think about our Constitution, it was written to "secure the Blessings of Liberty." Liberty is really freedom, and the freedom we fought the British for was the fact that we were "endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." When we read the Bill of Rights, the first talks about Speech, Assembly, Petition, Religion, Press, etc. The Second talks about the Right to keep and bear Arms, and that Right shall not be infringed.

We fought the British because of the transgressions of King George against our Life, Liberty and Happiness. We were not afforded the right to have a standing Army for protection, therefore we hand no means to secure our Life. We paid taxes, and taxes are a confiscation of our wealth by a government body for some other purpose. Our wealth is an accumulation of our blood, sweat and tears; we earned it and therefore have the freedom to spend it. We were not afforded representation in his Legislature, therefore we had no input regarding how our taxes were spent which was an usurpation of our Happiness.

Now back to the cop in the train. This man's job is paid for by our tax dollars. This man believes it's his job to make us safe. Who I ask, secures our Right to Life in this instance? The cop does. Who should secure our Right to Life period? We the People should. The quickest deterrent to a crime in progress is the brandishing of a weapon, in this day and age, it's the gun. Would criminals rob if 90% of society were armed? They would have better odds in Vegas than robbing an unarmed Citizen if true. Ask yourself the next time a crime occurs if it could have been prevented by an involved party had they exercised their 2nd Amendment Right. Ask yourself how necessary is it to pay cops six figures a year (with overtime and 100% pension at 50) to secure any of our Rights. Or does it make more sense that they change the focus of police to solving crimes. If a criminal's two thoughts are they can get away with the crime and they won't be caught, making either one more difficult eliminates the possibility of crime taking place.

Now back to the first cop, just think of him next time you get a speeding ticket. Then think about the rest of these paragraphs when you think about whether his job is that necessary when he's encroaching on your Life, Liberty and Happiness.

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