Monday, August 17, 2009

Stifled Debate

Lawrence O’Donnell filled in for Ed Schultz on The Ed Show and interviewed Peter Schiff, chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. and author of 2007's Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse, which predicted the current economic crises and the failed solutions government would implement.

There's not much to say other than watch the video and see how O'Donnell repeatedly interrupts Schiff and essentially prevents him from answering any questions; let alone allow him to explain his position on the issues raised such as National Health Insurance.

From Herr Charles "Joseph Göbbels" Gibson's "Prescription for America" propaganda piece, to Chris Matthews' "shiver up my leg" to O'Donnell's squelching of Schiff, the Brown Shirts are back with vengeance. Though this time, I speculate the victims of the next Holocaust will be Conservatives, Libertarians, Christians, Jews and other newly named deviants.

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