Thursday, April 29, 2010

March on out of here while you're at it

Reuters is reporting that on May Day, a day for "unions, anarchists and socialist[Marxist/Communist] groups," that across 70 cities in the U.S., illegal immigrants and their patsies will march against the recently signed law in Arizona.

"The marches and demonstrations are going to be far more massive than they otherwise would have been," said Juan Jose Gutierrez, a Los Angeles rally organizer.

"With what's going on in Arizona we see renewed energy for folks to fight for immigration reform," said Marissa Graciosa, of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement.

"What Arizona has done is that it has galvanized, united, fortified, focused our immigration movement," Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez declared at a news conference.

I find it rather amazing, or perhaps ironic, that the backers of illegal immigration and primary opponents of this law are Hispanic. Never mind that the majority of illegal immigrants do in fact come from south of border, but the representatives of the anti-immigration-enforcement movement call out attention to the fact this is primarily a Latino issue and therefore garners their attention precisely because those primarily affected are Latino. Americans should show grave concern for members of its society that care more about their ethnic brethren than they care about being an American. This is the problem with lack of assimilation, they have no loyalty to this country or our laws, their loyalty belongs to those of their Raza.

The solution to the estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants is to take away their incentive to be here, jobs. After their May Day rally, Congress should immediately pass Legislation fining employers who hired illegal immigrants $100,000 per illegal immigrant for first time offenders. Second offense should be $250,000 per illegal immigrant and third offense should be confiscation of the personal property of all Corporate Executives and a minimum of five years in Federal prison for aiding and abetting criminal activity. The recently signed law, as we can read in this AP article, is already having the intended consequence of getting illegal immigrants to leave the state.

This notion that somehow people have a RIGHT to come/be here is asinine. Though one can sympathize with people wanting a better life for themselves and their children, the United States cannot alleviate world poverty simply by allowing unfettered immigration. I read a statistic that 40 million people per year are born into poverty. Even if the US allowed one million per year, after ten years we'd have 10 million more poor and the world would have 390 million more poor. The solution is clearly with the rest of the world and forcing free market expansion, weeding out corruption and preserving purchasing power. Our system and Economy are incapable of taking care of the world's poor, it's up to the world to rectify the situation, not one sole country.


Anonymous said...

Immigrants don't have to assimilate. They have the right to be who they are. American culture and language are not necessarily the best. It's racist to think people should learn English and become Americans. They should be able to live in large communities with others of their ethnic background and create microcosms of the countries they left behind.

JP Ramey said...

Sure immigrants don't have to assimilate; however it's to their benefit if they do. No language is superior to another language; however in the United States our language is English. Additionally, there is no homogony if there is no one language. Also, not comprehending English precludes an individual from fully participating in our democracy.

It’s neither racist or discriminatory to assert one should learn English if one desires to become an American, it’s simply a requirement because of the consequences of not having one language to unify us. As for your last sentence, it’s asinine to believe it’s okay to have microcosms of various cultures distinct with various languages and still believe that there is the semblance of a single unified country. The consequences would be deleterious in nature if we allowed our country to be balkanized into separate microcosms.