Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A diplomatic row erupted during Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Israel last week after it was announced that 1,600 new housing units would be constructed in East Jerusalem. Before Israel's declared Independence in 1948, and the subsequent war that was fought against its Muslim neighbors, in the land of Palestine lived Jews and Muslim Hashemites. Now days we call the Muslim Hashemites "Palestinians," completely ignoring the fact that Jews of the day were also Palestinians. This disregards the historical presence of Jews in the land of Palestine and makes for a clever and convenient argument for the Muslim Hashemites to claim land for their "Palestinian" State.

This Jerusalem Post article titled, "Softer tone coming from Washington," states in its opening paragraph, "US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who blasted Israel on Friday and kept alive a crisis in relations triggered by last week’s announcement of new housing in Ramat Shlomo, reiterated US support for Israel on Tuesday in the first public signs that the crisis was winding down." My question is why was there a crisis to begin with? Since the Jews captured Jerusalem from Adonizedek some 3,000+ years ago, they've had a historical connection to the city since. What connection do Muslim Hashemites have to Jerusalem? None. Various battles have been fought over control of Jerusalem throughout the ages, but whoever is victorious is the owner. The Israelis won their War of Independence in 1948, and won the Six Day War in 1967 [giving them full control over all of Jerusalem and the West Bank]. Which brings us to the present.

Since when in world history do the losers dictate terms of peace? Americans won the Revolutionary War and kicked out the British and formed their own government. Just to solidify our sovereignty, the British got their @$$ handed to them again following the War of 1812. Texas declared Independence following the capture of General Santa Anna following the Battle of the Alamo. Following the Mexican-American War, the terms of peace included the present day Southwest States. The Germans never dictated terms of peace following World Wars 1 & 2. The Japanese didn't dictate terms of peace following their defeat in World War 2. The Victorious always dictate the terms of peace, always. Which brings me back to my question, why was there a crisis to begin with.

There will never be peace between Israelis and "Palestinians" so long as this nefarious double standard exists. The Israelis should flat out state there will be no negotiations for any treaty between the people of Israel and "Palestinians" until the "Palestinians" stop dictating terms for peace and accept that there will never be a "Right of Return" nor will they ever have East Jerusalem as their capital nor will there be a return to pre '67 borders. If Palestinians don't agree to those terms, then war should be declared until "Palestinians" are ready to act like the losers they are and accept peace terms dictated by Israel. That's how the world works, has always worked and will always work.

If one is concerned about the well being of the "Palestinian" refugees, they should consider the fact that there is a Hashemite State called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Amman is its capital. Clinton, Mitchell and Biden should educate themselves re: this country to the east of Israel and look for solutions rather than dictate to Israel what the terms of peace should include. To the "Palestinians," state the facts; you lost, accept Israel's generous offer of peace and be done with it.


Tony said...

If everyone had your stance on this issue there will NEVER be any sort of peace over there. Sometimes things just aren't as cut and dry as winner takes all....clearly. If that were the case they would have actually taken all with no issue.

JP Ramey said...

Au contraire, if Israel took my stance on this issue there would be peace and respect by its enemies simply because of the fact that everyone has always recognized that the Victor dictates terms of peace, never the Conquered.

Take the Six Day War for example:

Egypt expelled the UN Peacekeepers from the Sinai Peninsula, closed the Strait of Tiran to Israeli naval passage [Suez Canal was already closed off], amassed 100,000 troops on Israel’s border and prepared for war. Israel took pre-emptive action and ultimately won the war in six days also capturing all of the Sinai Peninsula/Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights.

Israel, with the help of the US, signed the ’79 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, in which Egypt became the first Arab State to recognize Israel’s existence, granted passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal and Strait of Tiran and Gulf of Aqaba and in turn Israel gave Egypt the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, there has been peace between the two countries.

Israel didn’t give the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for nothing. However in the case of the Palestinians, they want prisoners in Israel released, they want the right of return of millions of “Palestinians,” they want East Jerusalem as their capital, and they want Israel to return to ’67 borders all in exchange for peace. It’s a joke and that’s my point.