Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sick Anti-Semite

In this Fox News article, one reads about the protests in Ft. Lauderdale, FL between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli Protesters. However, when watching the video, one pro-Palestinian female shouts for the pro-Israeli Protesters to, "Go back to the oven" and "You need a really big oven." The reference obvious to students of history of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.

It's really sickening, disturbing, and unsettling that this girl, who lives in the US and isn't subject to the propaganda that Middle Eastern countries decimate to their Citizens, and yet she has the gaul to make such a vile statement. I wonder how she can yell such things. I wonder how deranged an individual must be in order to make a statement like "Go back to the oven" when six million people were murdered by the Nazis. In a way I feel comforted by my earlier statement in another blog that the Palestinian people are not innocent and are accomplices to Hamas terrorism. The distinction between Israeli targeted killings of terrorists and their bases plus the unfortunate collateral damage and Hamas indiscriminate firing of rockets and mortars into Israel killing whomever, is obvious to all except the anti-Semites. I hope that Israel finishes this current undertaking successfully, doesn't bow to International pressure to agree to a cease fire that only benefits Hamas, and that Israel continues as it has to minimize collateral damage while destroying Hamas tunnel networks and its ability to harm Israeli citizens.

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