Thursday, February 7, 2008

Don't boo McCain, it's not nice

CPAC to attendees, do not boo McCain. What is that?! Is that not similar to the suppression of free speech that McCain-Feingold supports? It's ridiculous, that bastard should know what actual Conservatives think of him. He's a Benedict Arnold "War Hero" who wears his past on his sleeve more than any veteran I've ever known. My grandfather fought in WW2 and never talked about his experiences, neither did my uncle that fought in VietNam, but not John Kerry, I mean John McCain. This should be a wake up call to all Conservatives that the Republican Party is not the Party of Conservatives. Conservatives to Republicans are blacks to Democrats, a group of blind loyalists hoping to get tossed a bone every once in a while.

John McCain created the most blatant anti-free-speech legislation in history, more egregious than Lincoln's shutting down unfriendly newspapers during the Civil War. He's proven himself time and time again with outbursts, insults and inflammatory language towards fellow Republicans that would even "dare" to oppose him, that he by all means, is a tyrant, and we shouldn't expect anything less if he were elected President.

Summer of 2007 showed that he's willing to sell out the American people, the actual Citizens of this Nation, in order to appease a segment of society that illegally remains in this country. He's a traitor and McCain-Kennedy was his confession.

He's also proven himself under McCain-Lieberman to be a supporter of pseudo-science. His bill would have capped greenhouse emissions to 2000 levels by 2010. So we're supposed to destroy our Economy while China and India continue to pummel ahead? We're going to allow them to become the Economic powerhouse of the world so that we can feel good about ourselves? What is McCain going to propose as President to stop the temperature inceases on Mars? What about the storms on Jupiter? Or is only Earth feeling the heat from mankind and not increased solar activity? How about the shrinking planet Mercury?

It's not only those three bad pieces of Legislation that should worry actual Conservatives. It should be his opposition towards tax cuts as well. So what if they don't have attached budget cuts, since when has Congress ever cut the budget? Whenever in history has a following year's budget been less than the preceding year? What cuts has he ever proposed? What does it cost the taxpayer to keep McCain in office every year? How about you cut taxes, and then work on the budget which is a seperate issue?

If that's still not good enough, how about his refusal to answer questions in a "straight talking" manner? I recall in the last debate, he was asked if a certain piece of legislation came to him as President if he would sign it, and he said the bill wouldn't, so he doesn't need to answer the question. He's ridiculous!

I say boo McCain until his ears bleed. I say that Conservatives shout with all their rage and hatred towards that which they despise. Then, I say we form a Third Party, a Party whose platform supports our principles, our values, our doctrines. A Party that puts America and Americans first. A Party that shrinks government, cuts our taxes, and works towards increasing our freedoms while securing us from threats both foreign and domestic. We need "change we can believe in!"

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