Thursday, August 16, 2007

Illegal Immigration

There has never been a greater need for change in this country than the present time we live in. We have become a nation of squabbling nationalities in a time we should be a single nation of a united nationality. Nationality is blind to race, ethnicity, religion, sex or creed. Nationality is the country in which you are identified to be a member of. We as a single people, united, should not tolerate division amongst our people. When groups pit themselves against each other on an ideology that is based on race or ethnicity, that is dangerous for the stability of the country as a whole. We presently find ourselves in a predicament in which the majority cannot speak out against the minority in fear of backlash. When we unite as a single country, we can achieve more than we ever dreamed. Currently that is not possible.

We cannot conquer the illegal immigration issue precisely because we are not united. The dividers and obstructionist to solving illegal immigration rests solely on the shoulders of our politicians. They have given themselves over to lust for money and power. They do not believe they are accountable to the citizens they represent. They believe they know better than the majority of people that elected them to office. How can we as a nation tolerate such arrogance? How can we, as a majority of more than 80%, allow our politicians to circumvent our will by attempting to pass immigration reform that would grant legal recognition to millions of people that have come here illegally? How is that tolerable? How do we allow that? What can we do to change the status quo?

Politicians only have power when they hold office, strip them of their office, and they have no power to affect their will. The Democrats and Republicans that pushed the recent immigration bill in the Senate must be removed from power. We must vote them out of office. The solution is not to vote in new members of the current parties, the solution is to vote in members of a new party. A party that represents the will of the people. A party that isn’t part of the current establishment and isn’t beholden to political favors. We need a party that makes decisions based on values and principles, not financial contributions to their election campaigns.

We must secure our borders and we must remove those that are illegally present in our country. We are fighting a war against those that wish to harm us. How much longer must we give them an open route into our country? What type of attack will it take before we change our border policy? This is not fear mongering, it’s questioning the plausible. We cannot have security in our country when we have open borders and anyone with minimal amounts of money can get into the country.

Democrats and Republicans have both failed to solve the Illegal Immigration issue. Both have failed to put sufficient enforcement on the border to prevent more illegal immigration. Both have failed to enact laws that punish "safe harbor" cities and other government municipal districts that do not inquire about a suspect's Immigration Status.

Republicans like Bush believe Illegal Immigration is necessary because Americans won't do the work. How about Americans won't do the work because the wages are undermined? Democrats won't touch the issue because they're afraid of being labeled racist, xenophobic, bigoted, prejudiced, etc. How about the argument that being against illegal immigration isn't any of those things because it's an issue of being for lawlessness or against lawlessness? Democrats won't touch the issue because a majority of Hispanics vote Democrat and they feel they'll alienate their supporters. Democrats hope that one day those illegal aliens will vote Democrat because Democrats refused to stand up to illegal immigration, and Republicans hope that one day those illegal aliens will vote Republican because Republicans told America how much we need cheap labor. America needs a Party that stands up for Americans, not illegal aliens and their Campaign Contributions. America has the strongest Economy in the world, if we can't continue to have a strong economy without cheap labor, then how strong is our Economy? Without cheap labor, the wages of all lower and middle class Americans would increase.

The first step in ending Illegal Immigration is to cut all Federal Funding to Cities, Counties and States that "safe harbor" illegal aliens. The second step is to construct a wall from San Diego to Texas that clearly delineates the border between the US and Mexico. The third step is to create a fine of $100,000 per illegal immigrant that is employed by a company, with a second offense bumping the fine to $250,000 per illegal immigrant and a third offense constituting the arrest of all company officials for criminal misconduct. The fourth step will be a 30 day grace period to allow all illegal aliens present in the US to leave without prosecution. Once the 30 day grace period expires, illegal aliens will be arrested and deported and barred from entering the United States for a period of ten years. After 180 days of implementation, an investigation will be conducted to see what other means are necessary, if needed, to deport remaining illegal aliens.

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