Friday, August 31, 2007

Immigration Gumballs

This video is based on statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. It's for those who would like a rational explanation as to why we need to crack down on illegal immigration.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Trojan Horse of the 21st Century

Watch from 1:20 on. Just the last 20 minutes. If that doesn't make your blood boil, then I guess nothing will. It really needs to be viewed as a war, because that's what it is, an illegal invasion, a Trojan Horse of Mexicans and other Foreign Nationals.

Americans need to stand up for America and protect our way of life. If you hate lawlessness, then hate the lawbreakers and those that support them. Democrats and Republicans reek with corruption and an inability to fight Illegal Immigration. The USA is being destroyed because of this invasion. It truly is the Trojan Horse of the 21st Century. Wrapped in a box of cheap labor for Republicans. Wrapped in a box of future votes for Democrats. Vote them out of office and start the Political Revolution!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You too can prevent Inflation, Abolish the Federal Reserve and protect the Purchasing Power of Your Dollar!

I posted previously about abolishing the Federal Reserve. Watch the following video by the Ludwig von Mises Institute to get a better grasp of the issue:

With the recent cut in the Fed rate, the failure of the sub-prime Mortgage Industry, anyone want to speculate we're primed for October 1929 again?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Economic Policy

An analogy to ponder. If someone buys a home on a 30-year fixed mortgage, at 6.25%, when they're done paying the loan, the amount paid will be more than twice that of the amount borrowed. Simply, your $250,000 house will cost you $554,145.48. Sounds like a deal, right? What happens when you only pay the interest and none of the principal? After 30 years, you will have paid $458,906.97 and still owe the original $250,000. That's exactly what our government is doing, year after year. Not only that, they continually borrow more money, year after year. Currently we owe over $8 TRILLION. Who do we owe that money to? The Federal Reserve and Foreign Nations, and they'll gladly keep loaning it to us because we only pay the interest. Only in this case, the amount borrowed isn't $250,000, it's $8,000,000,000,000+. Only in this case, the interest paid per month at 3%, if we didn't borrow more, would be over $20 Billion, or over $657.5 Million per day.

Who here wants to continue that process? Who thinks it's a great idea to keep borrowing more money? To keep increasing the National Debt Ceiling? To never pay off the National Debt and forfeit our future to servitude to pay interest? Obviously the Democrats and Republicans think it's a great idea. Neither of the two parties have put forth a plan to eliminate the National Debt. Neither of the two parties in the last six years have "balanced" the budget. What the hell are they thinking? What the hell are Americans thinking by continuing this insane nonsense? None of us would tolerate our neighbors perpetually borrowing money from us to pay the interest on their home loan while they party on the weekends. None of us would tolerate paying their mortgage period. So why do we tolerate that from our Government Officials? Why do we think it's okay? Do we need another 1929 to slap some common sense into the American People?

Our fiscal policy must be one of conservatism. We cannot spend what we do not have and pretend it does not have consequences. We find ourselves in a position beholden to the interests of foreign nations with goals and ambitions that are contrary to our own. We must have an economic policy that promotes economic growth and stability, starting with eliminating the National Debt, followed by eliminating the Federal Reserve.

Abolishing the Foreign Aid Policy

The other day a random stranger came up to me and asked for $5 in order for him to like me. I gave him the $5 because I don't like the feeling of someone not liking me and I'm afraid of the possible outcomes if I don't give him the $5. Does that sound familiar? It should, that's our current Foreign Aid Policy. We buy "niceness."

I think this begs the question, what good is foreign aid. Not good if we consider the fact that it promotes reckless fiscal policies because foreign nations know they will be bailed out by other foreign nations. It's like having a credit card that's paid for by our parents. Do we really care what we buy with it? Of course not, especially when our dad is Bill Gates. Giving money to foreign nations is definitely not good when that money goes to the coffers of corrupt government bureaucrats, like most Asian and African nations, and to despots like the former Saddam Hussein and former Yasser Arafat. It's also not a good idea when we're trying to pay people to like us. Rather, we should recognize that people will hate us for whatever reason, especially since we're better than them. Rather than squander tax payers' monies trying to make foreign nations like us, we should allow the tax payers to invest the money into their businesses or purchase goods, both of which promote a stronger economy, and make us that much better than those that hate us.

The U.S. is projected to spend over $34.3 Billion (according to State Department budget from 2007). How much of that is actually needed to maintain foreign consulates and embassies? How much of that is aid? $1.2 Billion appears to be needed for the consulates and embassies, the rest is purely choice. Do we really need to spend $33.1 Billion on programs or other aid to make other countries like us or hate us less? How about we use that to pay off some of the Federal Reserve Debt in our efforts to abolish the Federal Reserve. We only need $8.47 Trillion more.

Silence of Free Speech

We have slowly legalized the silence of freedom of speech by enacting laws that arbitrarily dictate what speech is with and without consequence, namely hate speech laws. We have legalized the silence of freedom of speech of political candidates and their supporters by enacting laws that arbitrarily dictate when debate can occur and when it must cease under McCain-Feingold. The Bill of Rights grants Congress no such authority nor is any such law remotely Constitutional. This abrogation of our fundamental right to freedom of speech without government reprisal is the first Constitutional grievance that must be addressed by electing to power a Third Party.

With Democrats and Republicans and their track record, there is no end in sight as to how far they will take their Hate Speech Laws, McCain-Feingold Political Speech Limitations, and punishment for those that break those laws. When did Americans decide to forfeit the right to say what they want? I never voted for that. Vote Democrats and Republicans out of office and vote into power a Third Party which will restore the right to Americans to speak their mind without fear of reprisal. We can start with eliminating all Hate Speech Laws, McCain-Feingold, and castrating the FCC if not eliminating it all together. Take back America and remind Politicians when you vote them out of office that our rights cannot be abrogated.

Abolish the Federal Reserve Act

Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution states that "The Congress shall have Power To... coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,..."

Charles Lindbergh stated, "This is the Aldrich bill in disguise…The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill…The banks have been granted the special privilege of distributing the money, and they charge as much as they wish…This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any Government that ever existed. The system is private...There should be no legal tender other than that issued by the government…The People are the Government. Therefore the Government should, as the Constitution provides, regulate the value of money." (Congressional Record, 12/22/1913)

The Federal Reserve was created to prevent Economic Catastrophes like the Stock Market Crash of 1929, which it failed, to prevent inflation like that of the late 70's and early 80's, which it failed, to preserve the Purchasing Power of the Dollar, which if you compare the value of Dollar now versus 1913 (Creation of the Federal Reserve Act), the Dollar has lost 96% of its value.

The Federal Reserve prints money and charges the American People for its service. According to the Federal Reserve's own Balance Sheet, the American People owe the Federal Reserve $790.4 Billion.

With the current state of the Economy, looking at the Stock Market having lost 10% in one month, it's time to fix a broken system. The US National Debt is $8 Trillion and growing, with no plan of action to pay off the debt. With China threatening to liquidate $1 Trillion as a "nuclear option," having our Economic Survival threatened is not an option. Democrats under Wilson pushed the Federal Reserve, and Republicans under Bush have done nothing to balance the budget or pay off the National Debt. It's time for a new Party with new ideas to take the leadership position and change the course of the American Economy to one of prosperous growth, starting with abolishing the Federal Reserve Act and paying off the National Debt.

Illegal Immigration

There has never been a greater need for change in this country than the present time we live in. We have become a nation of squabbling nationalities in a time we should be a single nation of a united nationality. Nationality is blind to race, ethnicity, religion, sex or creed. Nationality is the country in which you are identified to be a member of. We as a single people, united, should not tolerate division amongst our people. When groups pit themselves against each other on an ideology that is based on race or ethnicity, that is dangerous for the stability of the country as a whole. We presently find ourselves in a predicament in which the majority cannot speak out against the minority in fear of backlash. When we unite as a single country, we can achieve more than we ever dreamed. Currently that is not possible.

We cannot conquer the illegal immigration issue precisely because we are not united. The dividers and obstructionist to solving illegal immigration rests solely on the shoulders of our politicians. They have given themselves over to lust for money and power. They do not believe they are accountable to the citizens they represent. They believe they know better than the majority of people that elected them to office. How can we as a nation tolerate such arrogance? How can we, as a majority of more than 80%, allow our politicians to circumvent our will by attempting to pass immigration reform that would grant legal recognition to millions of people that have come here illegally? How is that tolerable? How do we allow that? What can we do to change the status quo?

Politicians only have power when they hold office, strip them of their office, and they have no power to affect their will. The Democrats and Republicans that pushed the recent immigration bill in the Senate must be removed from power. We must vote them out of office. The solution is not to vote in new members of the current parties, the solution is to vote in members of a new party. A party that represents the will of the people. A party that isn’t part of the current establishment and isn’t beholden to political favors. We need a party that makes decisions based on values and principles, not financial contributions to their election campaigns.

We must secure our borders and we must remove those that are illegally present in our country. We are fighting a war against those that wish to harm us. How much longer must we give them an open route into our country? What type of attack will it take before we change our border policy? This is not fear mongering, it’s questioning the plausible. We cannot have security in our country when we have open borders and anyone with minimal amounts of money can get into the country.

Democrats and Republicans have both failed to solve the Illegal Immigration issue. Both have failed to put sufficient enforcement on the border to prevent more illegal immigration. Both have failed to enact laws that punish "safe harbor" cities and other government municipal districts that do not inquire about a suspect's Immigration Status.

Republicans like Bush believe Illegal Immigration is necessary because Americans won't do the work. How about Americans won't do the work because the wages are undermined? Democrats won't touch the issue because they're afraid of being labeled racist, xenophobic, bigoted, prejudiced, etc. How about the argument that being against illegal immigration isn't any of those things because it's an issue of being for lawlessness or against lawlessness? Democrats won't touch the issue because a majority of Hispanics vote Democrat and they feel they'll alienate their supporters. Democrats hope that one day those illegal aliens will vote Democrat because Democrats refused to stand up to illegal immigration, and Republicans hope that one day those illegal aliens will vote Republican because Republicans told America how much we need cheap labor. America needs a Party that stands up for Americans, not illegal aliens and their Campaign Contributions. America has the strongest Economy in the world, if we can't continue to have a strong economy without cheap labor, then how strong is our Economy? Without cheap labor, the wages of all lower and middle class Americans would increase.

The first step in ending Illegal Immigration is to cut all Federal Funding to Cities, Counties and States that "safe harbor" illegal aliens. The second step is to construct a wall from San Diego to Texas that clearly delineates the border between the US and Mexico. The third step is to create a fine of $100,000 per illegal immigrant that is employed by a company, with a second offense bumping the fine to $250,000 per illegal immigrant and a third offense constituting the arrest of all company officials for criminal misconduct. The fourth step will be a 30 day grace period to allow all illegal aliens present in the US to leave without prosecution. Once the 30 day grace period expires, illegal aliens will be arrested and deported and barred from entering the United States for a period of ten years. After 180 days of implementation, an investigation will be conducted to see what other means are necessary, if needed, to deport remaining illegal aliens.