Thursday, March 26, 2009
If this doesn't make you sick...
This Weekly Standard article by Thomas Joscelyn details an interview with the Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, regarding the releasing of Guantanamo Detainees. Not only is the Obama Administration closing down our Detention Facility in Cuba, they're releasing the Prisoners. Not only are they releasing them, they're releasing them here in the United States! Not only here in the United States, but they're paying them a stipend! THIS IS MY MONEY! YOU'RE TAXING ME LEFT AND RIGHT, UP AND DOWN, IN AND OUT, UPSIDE DOWN AND RIGHTSIDE UP AND YOU'RE GIVING MY MONEY TO AN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?!?! YOU'RE A TRAITOR! A DAMNED JUDAS ISCARIOT! YOU'RE GIVING AID AND COMFORT TO A SWORN ENEMY OF THIS COUNTRY!!! THIS IS TREASON!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Second American Revolution
If YouTube takes this one off their site, just search the subject to view the video. It should feature Thomas Paine, the man who wrote Common Sense. Liberate our Republic!
If YouTube takes this one off their site, just search the subject to view the video. It should feature Thomas Paine, the man who wrote Common Sense. Liberate our Republic!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thank God for 2nd Amendment
In this Miami Herald article, an armed Robber is shot and killed by an armed customer at a Burger King in Miami. Thankfully, the armed customer had a concealed weapon permit allowing him to exercise his Right to Bear Arms, otherwise who knows how quickly he would have been viciously attacked by a Liberal, verbally that is, because we know Liberals are pacifists.
More seriously, this goes to show why we have a Right to Bear Arms to begin with. The Founders were prescient enough to know that if a Citizen does not have access to a legitimate form of self-defense, the criminal will, and thus have an advantage. We love European anti-gun policies, but even they have gun crimes. Germany, Canada and Switzerland have gun-murder rates of .005 per 1,000 compared to the US rate of .03 per 1,000 [source]. We have six times as many gun-murders committed than those three countries. Without getting into the details of how the FBI defines gun-murders [whether a gun was used or not, if one was present it's defined as such], let's go with the facts:
So one can logically conclude from these three countries that restricting gun ownership like Canada and Germany will have the same effect on gun-murder rates as one of the highest gun ownership countries in the world like Switzerland. I call that an impasse. However, it's been shown in Florida, when it adopted a right-to-carry law in 1987, that between 1987 and 1996:
I would postulate that if Right-to-Carry laws were implemented in all 50 states, we would see a further decline in homicide rates and homicde rates with firearms. "An Armed Society, is a Polite Society." -Robert A. Heinlein
The second benefit of owning firearms, is that owning a firearm guarantees your other Liberties. Benjamin Franklin said those that would give up a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither. Our check against a despot is grounded on the fact we have the ability to defend ourselves against tyranny. It's such a naive argument to state that in the United States we would never have to worry about a despot coming to power or to worry about a coup d'etat, it's not worth my time to argue against it, so long as we have the Right to Bear Arms.
James Madison thought it prudent as well in Federalist Paper 46, "Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of."
More seriously, this goes to show why we have a Right to Bear Arms to begin with. The Founders were prescient enough to know that if a Citizen does not have access to a legitimate form of self-defense, the criminal will, and thus have an advantage. We love European anti-gun policies, but even they have gun crimes. Germany, Canada and Switzerland have gun-murder rates of .005 per 1,000 compared to the US rate of .03 per 1,000 [source]. We have six times as many gun-murders committed than those three countries. Without getting into the details of how the FBI defines gun-murders [whether a gun was used or not, if one was present it's defined as such], let's go with the facts:
- Germany limits gun-ownership to members of shooting clubs.
- Canada limits gun ownership to hunters, collectors, target shooters and those who can demonstrate a need of guns to protect their lives.
- Switzerland however has one of the highest gun-ownership rates in the world [46 guns per 100] due to the fact every male is a member of the militia [Switzerland has no standing Army].
So one can logically conclude from these three countries that restricting gun ownership like Canada and Germany will have the same effect on gun-murder rates as one of the highest gun ownership countries in the world like Switzerland. I call that an impasse. However, it's been shown in Florida, when it adopted a right-to-carry law in 1987, that between 1987 and 1996:
- homicide rate declined by 36%
- homicide rate [with a firearm] declined 37%
- homicide rate [with handgun] declined 41%
I would postulate that if Right-to-Carry laws were implemented in all 50 states, we would see a further decline in homicide rates and homicde rates with firearms. "An Armed Society, is a Polite Society." -Robert A. Heinlein
The second benefit of owning firearms, is that owning a firearm guarantees your other Liberties. Benjamin Franklin said those that would give up a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither. Our check against a despot is grounded on the fact we have the ability to defend ourselves against tyranny. It's such a naive argument to state that in the United States we would never have to worry about a despot coming to power or to worry about a coup d'etat, it's not worth my time to argue against it, so long as we have the Right to Bear Arms.
James Madison thought it prudent as well in Federalist Paper 46, "Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of."
Free Speech???
In this Breitbart article, the "Supreme Court on Tuesday questioned whether government regulation of a movie critical of former presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton might also be used to ban books critical of political hopefuls during election season."
So John McCain, twice Presidential Candidate, a so-called Republican, proposed legislation titled McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform. Part of that legislation limits individual contributions to $2,000 for a political candidate; and "regulates" communication "60 days before a general election or 30 days before a presidential primary or convention."
I question OUT LOUD the usurpation of "Congress shall make no law [] abridging the freedom of speech." Abridge defined by Random House Dictionary means to shorten; diminish; or curtail. So, McCain-Feingold was a piece of Federal Legislation, that curtailed your ability, my ability, every American's ability, to publicly "communicate" "60 days before a general election or 30 days before a presidential primary or convention."
My anger at even having the Supreme Court hear this case stems from James Madison's warning to us, in Federalist Paper 84 "go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?"
It's absurd to even have this discussion about the exact power the Federal Government has to abridge our Freedom of Speech when they have no power to regulate it to begin with! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It's quintessential to understand where our Rights come and then to logically conclude that the only Being capable of curtailing any Right is the Being that bestowed it. If our Rights are from our Creator, then what man is capable of taking one away? Answer that question. Then ask yourself, why is it that we continually allow Republicans and Democrats to infringe upon our Rights?
President Obama's Treasury Secretary is already asking for an unfettered Right to seize any financial institution based on consent from the President and 2/3 of the Federal Reserve Board. Read this Washington Post article. Where did that Right come from? Government seizures of private assets for public control is nothing short of fascism. Soon, President Obama will launch an attack on our other Rights, such as the Right to Bear Arms. Telling us to give up a little Liberty for a little Security. Will the People will acquiesce? I won't. Liberate our Republic!
So John McCain, twice Presidential Candidate, a so-called Republican, proposed legislation titled McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform. Part of that legislation limits individual contributions to $2,000 for a political candidate; and "regulates" communication "60 days before a general election or 30 days before a presidential primary or convention."
I question OUT LOUD the usurpation of "Congress shall make no law [] abridging the freedom of speech." Abridge defined by Random House Dictionary means to shorten; diminish; or curtail. So, McCain-Feingold was a piece of Federal Legislation, that curtailed your ability, my ability, every American's ability, to publicly "communicate" "60 days before a general election or 30 days before a presidential primary or convention."
My anger at even having the Supreme Court hear this case stems from James Madison's warning to us, in Federalist Paper 84 "go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?"
It's absurd to even have this discussion about the exact power the Federal Government has to abridge our Freedom of Speech when they have no power to regulate it to begin with! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It's quintessential to understand where our Rights come and then to logically conclude that the only Being capable of curtailing any Right is the Being that bestowed it. If our Rights are from our Creator, then what man is capable of taking one away? Answer that question. Then ask yourself, why is it that we continually allow Republicans and Democrats to infringe upon our Rights?
President Obama's Treasury Secretary is already asking for an unfettered Right to seize any financial institution based on consent from the President and 2/3 of the Federal Reserve Board. Read this Washington Post article. Where did that Right come from? Government seizures of private assets for public control is nothing short of fascism. Soon, President Obama will launch an attack on our other Rights, such as the Right to Bear Arms. Telling us to give up a little Liberty for a little Security. Will the People will acquiesce? I won't. Liberate our Republic!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I have an idea though. I'm not one to just complain. In fact I have a few ideas. The first is to seal the border with National Guard Troops, and put the US Army there as well. I've read too many articles lately describing the chaos occurring in Mexico because of the drug cartels murdering each other and bystanders and the officials that get in their way. Second, build a permanent barrier, with access roads, watch towers, seismic sensors, etc. that will help facilitate physical control over the border situation as well as delineate the border between the US and Mexico so as an additional benefit the Mexican military can stop violating our sovereignty. Third, institute first time offense penalties of $100,000 per illegal immigrant found employed by a business, with second offense penalties of $250,000 per illegal immigrant found employed by a business, and a third offense being the seizure of the company's assets which would then be liquidated and the proceeds given to the United States Department of Treasury. Fourth, grant a six-month grace period for all illegal immigrants to have an opportunity to extricate themselves from the United States and return to their home country without prosecution, after which point, any illegal immigrant found in this country will be automatically deported without habeaus corpus and will be barred from re-entry for five years, and permanently barred from ever being eligible for work or student visas, and most especially never be qualified for naturalization. I know it sounds tough, but our laws are our laws and choosing to reward these illegal immigrants is to state we're for lawlessness.
Fed continues to devalue Dollar
I wrote in my blog last week that the Federal Reserve had probably put $2 Trillion into the Economy, well here is the first article I've read, other than mere speculation, that states exactly that. This is from the International Herald Tribune, and unfortunately the Federal Reserve doesn't plan to stop at $2 Trillion, because it's also announced in the beginning of the article that the Federal Reserve will dump another Trillion dollars into the Economy by purchasing mortgage backed securities. So the destruction of our currency continues, with $3 Trillion in Federal Reserve created inflation, $2,467 Billion in deficit expenditure by Obama and 750 Billion TARP dollars by Bush. So what happens when $6.2 TRILLION is put into a $13.5 Trillion Economy? This is an artificial increase of 46%. Chaos is my speculation, because the Lower and Middle Classes will be able to afford NOTHING when these inflationary expenditures enter our economy.
Violation of Posse Comitatus Act of 1878
This CNS News article states that 22 soldiers from Ft. Rucker, Alabama were sent to Samson, Alabama to help with traffic control. Posse Comitatus specifically forbids US Military Personnel from operating on non-Federal land (aka anything other than a Military Base). Ignorance permeates our society and allows these abrogations of our laws to go on without even simple recognition. It's no wonder Democrats and Republicans can continue their unscrupulous behavior.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

The picture is of one trillion dollars. See the man to the bottom left? See the double stacked pallets of $100 bills? Now imagine what 11x that amount is, and that's getting an idea how much the US Govt. owes because of our National Debt.
Bush created TARP at a cost of $750 billion, Obama created an Economic Stimulus Plan at $787 billion, Omnibus at $41o billion with approximately 9,000 earmarks, a proposed budget of $3.6 trillion, with deficit expenditures approximated at $1.2 trillion, don't forget the $275 billion for attempting to fix the housing market, $240 billion in bailout money for AIG alone, and who knows how many hundreds of billions the Federal Reserve has given banks since late last year (some say $2 trillion even). With what we do know however, Obama has helped rack up $3.7 trillion in debt and that f'er has been in office not even two months
Our Economy is being destroyed by debt. Our liberties are being usurped as a result. Had we maintained fiscal responsibility, there wouldn't be a National Debt. Had we maintained a Federal Republic like the Founders created, the Federal Govt. would have been incapable of extracting this wealth from us. The socialism that exists in this country wouldn't exist if the original tax structure remained in place, appropriating taxes, because the States would have had a voice in preventing such a burdensome inequality via their representation in the US Senate. In Federalist Paper No. 63. James Madison wrote:
"Thus far I have considered the circumstances which point out the necessity of a well-constructed Senate only as they relate to the representatives of the people. To a people as little blinded by prejudice or corrupted by flattery as those whom I address, I shall not scruple to add, that such an institution may be sometimes necessary as a defense to the people against their own temporary errors and delusions. As the cool and deliberate sense of the community ought, in all governments, and actually will, in all free governments, ultimately prevail over the views of its rulers; so there are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be the most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career, and to suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice, and truth can regain their authority over the public mind?"
How perfect what James Madison wrote over 221 years ago describing our current situation. WHAT PRESCIENCE!!! The people demand taxes to take money from the wealthy and redistribute it to the lower classes. Logic would have prevailed when the lower classes realized this meant lower wages and higher unemployment. The bankers demand bailouts to prevent the banking system from collapsing. Logic would have prevailed when people realized their hard earned money would go to banks with unscrupulous lending practices. The people facing foreclosure demand to be saved from foreclosure when they bought homes they couldn't afford. Logic would have prevailed when the prudent realized their greedy neighbor would stay in the home he couldn't afford courtesy of their paycheck. The Federal Reserve, the creator of inflation in this country, would never have been created when logic prevailed and the States realized more taxes would be collected to pay interest to print our own money!
The Federal Reserve, a non-government entity created by the banking establishment in 1913 at Jekyll Island, prints our money and charges us interest. I reported in a previous blog we currently owe nearly $1 trillion in interest to the Federal Reserve. We owe a remainder of $10 trillion plus interest to possessors of US Treasury Debt Bonds (China, Japan, Europe, etc.). Continuing to rack up debt, plus the interest, will very soon make us insolvent (incapable of repaying debt). With the current policy of dumping credit into the market to stimulate economic growth, thus increasing our debt burden, we're delaying the inevitable market correction that must take place and will take place. As Ludwig von Mises stated, "The alternative is only whether the crises should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."
With Democrats in charge that only know how to take income from one set of society and distribute it to another undeserving set of society, their incompetence thus prevents them from solving this situation or even having the capability to do so. We're witnessing the effects of their stupidity with $3 trillion in new debt since Obama took office. Republicans lost their right to manage this country after six years of deficit expenditure under Bush, doubling our National Debt to $10 trillion, and the socialist Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors. Neither Party has thus shown an ability to correct our current credit fueled Economy.
The Founders in their wisdom created a Federal Govt. with appropriated taxes and State Representation in the Senate in order to keep the Federal Government financially in check. Is it any wonder then that after abandoning that setup in 1912, with the advent of the 17th Amendment, that America has since suffered Economically via inflation. Before FDR, the only time there was debt was during the Civil War when Lincoln took the dollar off the gold standard, creating the "greenback." From 1800 to after 1900, there was 0% inflation in this country. Since the Federal Reserve was created, our dollar has lost 99% of its value because of inflation. Since the adoption of the 17th Amendment, the Federal Govt. has managed to rack up a debt burden equating 82% of our GDP from a debt burden of 0%.
If you think putting your money into a Savings Account is going to keep you above inflation, you're ignorant. Not only will a bank never pay you more than 'true' inflation [true because the Govt. picks and chooses what goes into the inflation calculation], whatever interest you make on your deposit will be taxed with Federal and State Income Taxes thus indirectly and directly taking away your wealth year after year. There was a point in time in this country when Benjamin Franklin's adage, "A penny saved, is a penny earned" meant something, but with inflation and taxes that penny isn't worth a penny next year.
It's time to end the ignorance. It's time to stop the apathy. Things are the way they are because of apathy, and when you tell yourself there's nothing you can do, you're contributing to the apathy. We need a government that respects our contract with it, that doesn't infringe on our liberties, that doesn't usurp our rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's time to Liberate our Republic!!! It's time to throw out the Republicans and Democrats! It's no longer a debate about how big or how small, it's about how much government is needed. It's time to vote for Liberation!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
If I made $500,000...
How much would I be liable for in taxes for 2008 if I were self-employed and single?
$ 153,597 Federal Income Taxes
$ 44,305 CA State Income Taxes
$ 12,648 Social Security Taxes 12.4% on $102,000
$ 2,958 Medicare Taxes 2.9% on 102,000
$ 997 CA SDI Taxes
Total taxes so far are $214,505.
Let's say I buy a house, and keep my mortgage to 1/3 of my monthly take-home income, I could afford a house that costs $1.2 million. However, I would have to pay 1% property tax, which is another $12,000 a year in taxes.
So effectively on just those six taxes, the Government has gobbled up 45.3% of my income. If I spent every dime I had buying items that had sales taxes, the Government would get their paws on another 8.25% of my money for a total Government taking of 53.55%. This is a Government that does nothing for me as a taxpayer other than provide a military. The rest of the Government is about socialist redistribution of my wealth to individuals that don't work for it. 60% of all people in this country that work pay Federal Income Taxes, the other 40% that work don't pay Federal Income Taxes. Is it any wonder the Democrats continue to win elections and make themselves relevant by promising at least 40% of Americans more socialist handouts?
It makes me sick that people expect the Government to take care of them because they never stop for one second to consider the Government doesn't do a damn thing for them except take money from someone else and give it to them. This is the epitome of selfishness. If charity is a virtue, then allow me to be charitable with MY MONEY, and allow me the decision to where MY MONEY is going. The Government has no business whatsoever taking MY MONEY and giving it someone else. This is another usurpation of my Liberty by this Government.
An argument oft heard by me from Liberals is that you can afford it. Is that really the point? If it is, then my question to Liberals is what amount should each of us be given then to live off then because the rest of the money should just be given to the Government to be determined how it should be spent. I think I've heard of this concept before, and in fact if I'm not mistaken, it's called Communism. Now does Communism work? Is there any evidence in history of it having worked? It's rather remarkable that the only self-admitted Communist country in this world that has outstanding Economic growth indices is China, and what did China do to achieve the robust growth it's experiencing? It deregulated it's market, adopted free-market principles, etc. Isn't it curious then that a Communist country has accepted the notion that when people are given even just a little bit of incentive to work harder and the reward being they can keep the wealth they help create, that even a Communist country like China can succeed and experience robust Economic growth.
My question then is, why has this bastard President of ours, Barack Hussein Obama, declared Capitalism dead? We need to Liberate our Republic from this oppressive tyranny starting by creating a Party which cherishes the Liberty of the Individual. The Republicans had their chance under Bush to show us what a Republican President with a Republican controlled Legislature could accomplish, and they could only create more socialism calling it Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors and double the National Debt saddling us and future generations with an even weaker Dollar. We know from history the only thing Democrats can do best is destroy our Liberties and saddle us with even more debt and fandangle anything their unscrupulous paws touch. Liberate the Republic!
$ 153,597 Federal Income Taxes
$ 44,305 CA State Income Taxes
$ 12,648 Social Security Taxes 12.4% on $102,000
$ 2,958 Medicare Taxes 2.9% on 102,000
$ 997 CA SDI Taxes
Total taxes so far are $214,505.
Let's say I buy a house, and keep my mortgage to 1/3 of my monthly take-home income, I could afford a house that costs $1.2 million. However, I would have to pay 1% property tax, which is another $12,000 a year in taxes.
So effectively on just those six taxes, the Government has gobbled up 45.3% of my income. If I spent every dime I had buying items that had sales taxes, the Government would get their paws on another 8.25% of my money for a total Government taking of 53.55%. This is a Government that does nothing for me as a taxpayer other than provide a military. The rest of the Government is about socialist redistribution of my wealth to individuals that don't work for it. 60% of all people in this country that work pay Federal Income Taxes, the other 40% that work don't pay Federal Income Taxes. Is it any wonder the Democrats continue to win elections and make themselves relevant by promising at least 40% of Americans more socialist handouts?
It makes me sick that people expect the Government to take care of them because they never stop for one second to consider the Government doesn't do a damn thing for them except take money from someone else and give it to them. This is the epitome of selfishness. If charity is a virtue, then allow me to be charitable with MY MONEY, and allow me the decision to where MY MONEY is going. The Government has no business whatsoever taking MY MONEY and giving it someone else. This is another usurpation of my Liberty by this Government.
An argument oft heard by me from Liberals is that you can afford it. Is that really the point? If it is, then my question to Liberals is what amount should each of us be given then to live off then because the rest of the money should just be given to the Government to be determined how it should be spent. I think I've heard of this concept before, and in fact if I'm not mistaken, it's called Communism. Now does Communism work? Is there any evidence in history of it having worked? It's rather remarkable that the only self-admitted Communist country in this world that has outstanding Economic growth indices is China, and what did China do to achieve the robust growth it's experiencing? It deregulated it's market, adopted free-market principles, etc. Isn't it curious then that a Communist country has accepted the notion that when people are given even just a little bit of incentive to work harder and the reward being they can keep the wealth they help create, that even a Communist country like China can succeed and experience robust Economic growth.
My question then is, why has this bastard President of ours, Barack Hussein Obama, declared Capitalism dead? We need to Liberate our Republic from this oppressive tyranny starting by creating a Party which cherishes the Liberty of the Individual. The Republicans had their chance under Bush to show us what a Republican President with a Republican controlled Legislature could accomplish, and they could only create more socialism calling it Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors and double the National Debt saddling us and future generations with an even weaker Dollar. We know from history the only thing Democrats can do best is destroy our Liberties and saddle us with even more debt and fandangle anything their unscrupulous paws touch. Liberate the Republic!
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