Thursday, February 26, 2009
Assault Weapon Ban to return
In his line of logic, the new US Attorney General, Eric Holder, stated that one of the aims of reinstituting the AWB is to cut the illicit flow of firearms into Mexico. So let me get this straight. Mexico won't curtail its own citizens from entering the US, but we should curtail the flow of weapons into Mexico by banning 'assault weapons,' in other words, our Rights as Citizens of this country will be infringed so that the drug cartels in Mexico will have less access to semi-automatic rifles. This is stupid. The law of supply vs. demand states that the price of an assault weapon will only increase, and for a drug cartel which sells hundreds of millions of dollars a year in drugs, will it even matter if the price of an AR-15 doubles to $2,000 each? No, it doesn't matter to them. But to the American citizen that wants that rifle, it will be illegal for him to buy one. I want that Tea Party.
Tax and Spend Liberal
So Obama signed off on a $787 BILLION spending bill, and Democrats are proposing another $410 BILLION to make up for Bush "cuts" in Federal funding, and now Obama proposes $989 BILLION, $11 billion shy of $1 TRILLION in TAX INCREASES! What was it that Conservatives said about Obama during the Campaign, oh yeah, that he would raise taxes and spend money he doesn't have. I guess they were right but the Proletariat masses and Bourgeoisie Liberals were too enamoured to allow facts to matter. When is that Tea Party anyways? We need to Liberate our Republic from the Liberal usurpation of our Liberties.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Bye Bye 2nd Amendment
Go to the link and check this House Resolution out. Our Liberties are being taken away. Wake up people! Liberate our Republic from the tyranny that is about to be set upon us!
House Resolution 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009
"Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act..."
The 2nd Amendment is very clear on this issue, "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." There is no restricting this right, that would be an infringement. This act is a gross infringement on our basic Liberty, an usurpation, and even worse is Unconstitutional. There should be nothing but outrage over this Bill, any Congressperson that supports this is a Traitor and should suffer a Traitor's fate. There is no compromise when it comes to Liberty. Any person that would trade a little Liberty for a little safety, deserves neither. Our Founding Fathers commanded use to overthrow the government when its usurpation of our Liberties are too great to bear. Liberate our Republic!
House Resolution 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009
"Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act..."
The 2nd Amendment is very clear on this issue, "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." There is no restricting this right, that would be an infringement. This act is a gross infringement on our basic Liberty, an usurpation, and even worse is Unconstitutional. There should be nothing but outrage over this Bill, any Congressperson that supports this is a Traitor and should suffer a Traitor's fate. There is no compromise when it comes to Liberty. Any person that would trade a little Liberty for a little safety, deserves neither. Our Founding Fathers commanded use to overthrow the government when its usurpation of our Liberties are too great to bear. Liberate our Republic!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Democrat Cronyism
In this New York Post article, NY Gov. Patterson raised some personal assistants salaries by as much as 46%, and other friends in his Administration with a minimum of 5%. This is after he cut the salaries of 130,000 State workers by 3%. In all, he gave approximately $250,000 to personal assistants and friends in his Administration. Corruption much anyone? Liberate our Republic, just another example of why it should be done.
US to give $900 million to Gaza
So the Israelis bombed the Gaza strip because the Palestinians for years launched mortar rounds and rockets into Israel sometimes killing innocent Israeli civilians. In the process of Israel retaliating against the Palestinian bombardment, hordes of weapon caches were destroyed along with some worthless Palestinian terrorists and of course the buildings and such that Palestinians stored their weapon caches in. Apparently Pres. Obama wants to give $900 million of my money, your money and other taxpayers money to Gaza residents to help rebuild Gaza. I can see how charity is a great thing, but I'm the one that should make the decision where my money goes and I oppose being taxed so that my money can be given to someone else that some Politician in Washington thinks is more deserving of my money than me. What irritates me even more is that I know this money is going to go into the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, etc. just like when it went straight into Yasser Arafat's pockets when he was in charge. This is just another reason why I don't believe in foreign aid. Democrats and Republicans both don't mind taxing me to give my money to others, a distinction without a difference if you will, and it's another reason why we need to Liberate our Republic from the Democrats and Republicans.
House Democrats propose another $410 BILLION
As if the $787 BILLION that the Democrats just spent wasn't enough, House Democrats are proposing another $410 BILLION to make up for budget cuts that occurred during President Bush's term. Out of the $410 BILLION, $3.8 BILLION in earmarks have been set aside. This is just crazy. The government is going to kill us with inflation when all this money finally hits our deflated economy. The government it seems is purposefully setting up a perfect storm of Economic deflation coupled with monetary hyperinflation and for what purpose is anyone's guess. We need to correct this insanity.
Monday, February 23, 2009
1984 - George Orwell
"In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird."
Friday, February 20, 2009
Mortgage Bailout
So after having spent $787 Billion on pork projects which make Politicians feel good about themselves, which does nothing to put money back in taxpayers pockets, and which decreases our purchasing power because of the 14% inflation he helped create, Obama is now going to give away $275 Billion to people that bought homes they couldn't afford. Every rationale given for why this is necessary boils down to people having purchased homes they couldn't afford. Meanwhile, people that can afford their home are screwed because they get no help from the Federal Government, just less purchasing power because this $275 Billion is going to further deflate the value of their dollar.
The real problem I have will all of this, and as a Taxpayer this is a big problem for me, is that my money is taken from each paycheck and given to someone else. In this case it's given to banks that made horrible decisions in lending to people that were absolutely unqualified to receive a home loan and my money is also given to those same people that should have NEVER received that mortgage to begin with. This is just pure tyranny and I'm the helpless victim in this. I have no recourse against those banks and no recourse against those individuals that are living off me and no recourse against the big tyrant himself, government.
The U.S. Legislature is filthy and needs to be cleaned out. We do need another Boston Tea Party like what Rick Santelli called for on CNBC. We need a Revolution against the Tyranny of King B.O. and his cohorts.
The real problem I have will all of this, and as a Taxpayer this is a big problem for me, is that my money is taken from each paycheck and given to someone else. In this case it's given to banks that made horrible decisions in lending to people that were absolutely unqualified to receive a home loan and my money is also given to those same people that should have NEVER received that mortgage to begin with. This is just pure tyranny and I'm the helpless victim in this. I have no recourse against those banks and no recourse against those individuals that are living off me and no recourse against the big tyrant himself, government.
The U.S. Legislature is filthy and needs to be cleaned out. We do need another Boston Tea Party like what Rick Santelli called for on CNBC. We need a Revolution against the Tyranny of King B.O. and his cohorts.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
As I wrote many times in my blog, inflation will set in eventually because of the two economic stimulus packages and the Federal Reserve increasing the money supply, and when inflation does set in it won't be pretty. In this Yahoo News article by Martin Crutsinger, inflation rised unexpectedly in the last month with gas prices rising 15% even though the cost per barrel of oil fell approximately 30%. I suspect we'll see at least a 20% increase in everything overall except housing which still is above an affordable housing price to income ratio. Better write down the names of all the Politicians that voted for both Economic Stimulus Packages because those are the people you'll want to punish when inflation sets in. Let's pray we don't have hyperinflation like Zimbabwe or 1930's Germany.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Letter to Senator Boxer and Congressman Schiff
Senator Boxer,
Congressman Schiff,
Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate your staff’s time creating it along with the taxpayer dollars that pay their salaries. I know during this Economic difficulty, people look to Government for the solution to their Economic woes. They want to know how you’re going to help them. Unfortunately, when the Federal Government spends money, that means other people cough up cash to pay for your programs, people like me when I paid $14,590.14 in Federal Income Taxes for 2008. I know some of those taxes are needed in order for you to carry out what’s required in Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, but otherwise you’re just robbing me of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
However, this new Stimulus Bill that you just signed, is even worse. The two “Stimulus Bills” together put nearly two trillion dollars into the Economy that wouldn’t otherwise exist. I think to myself, what effect will this have on my purchasing power. I guess when one takes into account our GDP, and adds the two trillion you created, you just inflated our GDP by 14%. It’s even worse than that because the Federal Reserve has put who knows how much money into circulation. So I guess I can thank you when inflation sets in coupled with our “shrinking” GDP. I hope you’re prepared for the not too distant wrath of the American people.
Congressman Schiff,
Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate your staff’s time creating it along with the taxpayer dollars that pay their salaries. I know during this Economic difficulty, people look to Government for the solution to their Economic woes. They want to know how you’re going to help them. Unfortunately, when the Federal Government spends money, that means other people cough up cash to pay for your programs, people like me when I paid $14,590.14 in Federal Income Taxes for 2008. I know some of those taxes are needed in order for you to carry out what’s required in Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, but otherwise you’re just robbing me of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
However, this new Stimulus Bill that you just signed, is even worse. The two “Stimulus Bills” together put nearly two trillion dollars into the Economy that wouldn’t otherwise exist. I think to myself, what effect will this have on my purchasing power. I guess when one takes into account our GDP, and adds the two trillion you created, you just inflated our GDP by 14%. It’s even worse than that because the Federal Reserve has put who knows how much money into circulation. So I guess I can thank you when inflation sets in coupled with our “shrinking” GDP. I hope you’re prepared for the not too distant wrath of the American people.
Thanks CA Senator Hollingsworth
Since I tried to e-mail State Senator Hollingsworth, the new CA State Senate Minority Leader for the Republicans, and his webpage rejected my e-mail because I'm not a resident of his district, here's my e-mail to him:
Senator Hollingsworth,
Thank you for opposing any tax increase in order to close the budget shortfall. I'm glad some Republicans still have enough balls to stand up to Gov. Schwarzenegger and the other Traitor Republicans that want to raise our taxes. I hope you beat the a** of any Republican that wants to raise taxes in the State Senate and remind them what the difference is between a Republican and a Democrat. Thanks again!
Senator Hollingsworth,
Thank you for opposing any tax increase in order to close the budget shortfall. I'm glad some Republicans still have enough balls to stand up to Gov. Schwarzenegger and the other Traitor Republicans that want to raise our taxes. I hope you beat the a** of any Republican that wants to raise taxes in the State Senate and remind them what the difference is between a Republican and a Democrat. Thanks again!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Socialist Medicine
I read the two articles separately, but after pondering the implications, it dawned on me they're actually related. In the first article I read from Bloomberg News Services, Tom Daschle, Obama's first nominee for Secretary of Health & Human Services, put into the current Economic Stimulus plan a set of health provisions that setup an electronic means for the Federal Government to track a patient's medical treatments. This will become possible under a proposed "National Coordinator of Health Information Technology" which "will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and 'guide' your doctor’s decisions."
That's no different than what Tom Daschle wrote in his "2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” In his book he wrote, "doctors have to give up autonomy and 'learn to operate less like solo practitioners.'" He also "proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the 'tough' decisions elected politicians won’t make" which will "slow the development and use of new medications and technologies because they are driving up costs." Liberals always scream and rant and rave about how Bush stole our Freedoms under the Patriot Act, of which I haven't heard of an actual Freedom they could name that was lost, but nonetheless, here they are taking away our Rights to choose a doctor and decide what medical treatments we want to pay for as well as our Doctor's Right to prescribe those medical treatments. This is fascism. This is an absolute dictatorial system in which we have no Rights. I live just outside LA, how can I kick the ass of the Bureaucrat in DC that denied my cancer treatment or my grandmother's peripheral neuropathy treatment??? Unbelievable.
In the second article I read from the LA Times, "three federal judges, saying overcrowding in state prisons has deprived inmates of their right to adequate health care, tentatively ruled Monday that the state must reduce the population in those lockups by as many as 57,000 people." "The judges found that with inmates crammed into institutions, they could not receive the care to which they are entitled under the U.S. Constitution." This was caused by "a shortage of doctors, nurses and correctional officers has denied inmates access to treatment and a decent system to keep their medical records in order." So here we have evidence of the State running it's own medical care facilities here in California, and three Federal Judges decided it was so bad that the state has to get rid of 33% of the inmates that rely on the system. Haha, imagine when the Federal Government runs Health Care and the costs are too much for it to bear. I wonder who will get booted from the system.
I read that Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer, but too bad he doesn't cry. Maybe he will when this Neo-socialist Administration gives him and other millionaires the bill for their health care solution but I doubt Tom Daschle's replacement will allow the Doctor to prescribe them.
That's no different than what Tom Daschle wrote in his "2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” In his book he wrote, "doctors have to give up autonomy and 'learn to operate less like solo practitioners.'" He also "proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the 'tough' decisions elected politicians won’t make" which will "slow the development and use of new medications and technologies because they are driving up costs." Liberals always scream and rant and rave about how Bush stole our Freedoms under the Patriot Act, of which I haven't heard of an actual Freedom they could name that was lost, but nonetheless, here they are taking away our Rights to choose a doctor and decide what medical treatments we want to pay for as well as our Doctor's Right to prescribe those medical treatments. This is fascism. This is an absolute dictatorial system in which we have no Rights. I live just outside LA, how can I kick the ass of the Bureaucrat in DC that denied my cancer treatment or my grandmother's peripheral neuropathy treatment??? Unbelievable.
In the second article I read from the LA Times, "three federal judges, saying overcrowding in state prisons has deprived inmates of their right to adequate health care, tentatively ruled Monday that the state must reduce the population in those lockups by as many as 57,000 people." "The judges found that with inmates crammed into institutions, they could not receive the care to which they are entitled under the U.S. Constitution." This was caused by "a shortage of doctors, nurses and correctional officers has denied inmates access to treatment and a decent system to keep their medical records in order." So here we have evidence of the State running it's own medical care facilities here in California, and three Federal Judges decided it was so bad that the state has to get rid of 33% of the inmates that rely on the system. Haha, imagine when the Federal Government runs Health Care and the costs are too much for it to bear. I wonder who will get booted from the system.
I read that Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer, but too bad he doesn't cry. Maybe he will when this Neo-socialist Administration gives him and other millionaires the bill for their health care solution but I doubt Tom Daschle's replacement will allow the Doctor to prescribe them.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Whose Rights?
In this Washington Times article by Jerry Seper, an Arizona Rancher named Roger Barnett is being sued by 12 illegal immigrants who say their civil rights were violated when he stopped them at gunpoint on his property. Unfortunately there are 12 of them and one of him so their witness testimony outweighs his, however they do have a motive to be dishonest in addition to being lawbreakers. Their actual claim against him other than detaining them by gunpoint until Immigration and Custom Enforcement came and arrested them, was that he allegedly kicked one of the women. Otherwise he made an implied threat regarding his dog being "hungry for buttocks" and what some might consider a menacing threat because he had a firearm.
Let's put aside bias and address this case from another perspective. I am a homeowner, and on the backside of my property is a 7-Eleven. One day while in my house I look in my backyard and see an individual walking in it. I grab my Sig 220 and run into the backyard and use a few expletives when questioning the individual trespassing. They state they're just going to the 7-Eleven. Well, that's a little too bad considering there is a means of getting to the 7-Eleven that doesn't involve violating my properly rights. So I call 9-1-1 and have the police come and arrest the individual for trespassing. End of story.
Unfortunately for Roger Barnett, he's in that same situation only this time the 7-Eleven is the United States, his backyard happens to be 22,000 acres of ranch land, and the proper means of getting into the United States is getting a visa first. However, the facts are that 12-20 million illegal immigrants have come to the U.S. since Reagan granted amnesty in the 1980's. Our government is either inept or unwilling to stem the flow of illegal immigration and definitely unwilling to do something about most illegal immigrants living in the U.S. The major hindrance to solving this problem is the Democrat and Republican Parties' self-interests. Democrats want the future voting bloc and Republicans want the cheap labor in order to increase profits.
As for the Civil Rights lawsuit, I fail to see how they had Civil Rights in the first place when they're not Citizens and secondly they were detained when they were trespassing on his land and he called the proper authorities which came and arrested them. It's astounding they have the audacity to then turn around and complain about how they were treated when they were trespassers. Did they ever stop to think about the fact they wouldn't be in that predicament if they weren't breaking the laws to begin with? Do laws only matter when they're not the ones breaking them? I call that hypocrisy. Lastly, doesn't he have the right to pursuit life, liberty and happiness? I wouldn't be happy if illegal immigrants were trespassing on my land, littering, depositing fecal matter, vandalizing my property, killing my cattle, and being a general nuisance. But most importantly, as a Patriot, I would not tolerate the violation of my Nation's Laws by foreign Nationals. Roger Barnett is an American Patriot in my book. He should run for office and help foment the change we actually need in this country, a return to lawfulness instead of lawlessness.
Let's put aside bias and address this case from another perspective. I am a homeowner, and on the backside of my property is a 7-Eleven. One day while in my house I look in my backyard and see an individual walking in it. I grab my Sig 220 and run into the backyard and use a few expletives when questioning the individual trespassing. They state they're just going to the 7-Eleven. Well, that's a little too bad considering there is a means of getting to the 7-Eleven that doesn't involve violating my properly rights. So I call 9-1-1 and have the police come and arrest the individual for trespassing. End of story.
Unfortunately for Roger Barnett, he's in that same situation only this time the 7-Eleven is the United States, his backyard happens to be 22,000 acres of ranch land, and the proper means of getting into the United States is getting a visa first. However, the facts are that 12-20 million illegal immigrants have come to the U.S. since Reagan granted amnesty in the 1980's. Our government is either inept or unwilling to stem the flow of illegal immigration and definitely unwilling to do something about most illegal immigrants living in the U.S. The major hindrance to solving this problem is the Democrat and Republican Parties' self-interests. Democrats want the future voting bloc and Republicans want the cheap labor in order to increase profits.
As for the Civil Rights lawsuit, I fail to see how they had Civil Rights in the first place when they're not Citizens and secondly they were detained when they were trespassing on his land and he called the proper authorities which came and arrested them. It's astounding they have the audacity to then turn around and complain about how they were treated when they were trespassers. Did they ever stop to think about the fact they wouldn't be in that predicament if they weren't breaking the laws to begin with? Do laws only matter when they're not the ones breaking them? I call that hypocrisy. Lastly, doesn't he have the right to pursuit life, liberty and happiness? I wouldn't be happy if illegal immigrants were trespassing on my land, littering, depositing fecal matter, vandalizing my property, killing my cattle, and being a general nuisance. But most importantly, as a Patriot, I would not tolerate the violation of my Nation's Laws by foreign Nationals. Roger Barnett is an American Patriot in my book. He should run for office and help foment the change we actually need in this country, a return to lawfulness instead of lawlessness.
Friday, February 6, 2009
G-d Bless Charles Krauthammer
In this Washington Post article by Charles Krauthammer, he illuminates the Illluminated One. The article is definitely worth the read.
"After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.
I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks."
"After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.
I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Spinmeisters are at it
In this Salon piece by Joan Walsh, it finally occurred to me what the impetus for the Democrats will be during the next four years under Obama: To blame Republicans for the failings of our Economy and create an Entitlement mentality that will forever enslave people to the Democrat Party.
I believe the problems in the country began back in 1913 when a secret meeting on Jekyll Island (how fitting) of America's most elite bankers and the Assist. Secretary of Treasury under Woodrow Wilson, drafted the Federal Reserve Act. Sounds farcical, but it's true, Forbes wrote an article on it and G. Edward Griffin wrote a book titled "The Creature from Jekyll Island" describing the process of how the Federal Reserve Act came to existence. It was created to prevent bank panics, be a lender of last resort, but most importantly the reason for its existence was to bring stability to our Economy. It failed 16 years after its creation when the Stock Market crashed in 1929, exacerbated by people who bought shares on speculation and used credit from banks to do it. The banks failed because the borrowers couldn't repay their loans and people ran the banks hoping to get their money out. Sound familiar?
Since then, we've instituted a number of safety measures to prevent this from occurring again. Namely the Glass-Steagall Act which separated Commercial Banks from Investment Banks as a result of the Pecora Commission which investigated the cause of the 1929 Stock Market Crash. Fortunately for us, Bill Clinton undid the Glass-Steagall Act under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowing Commercial Banks to merge with Investment Banks again. A great thing because we never speculated since and our Stock Market never lost value. Oh, never mind, our housing market fell by more than 20% in the last year and our Stock Market plummeted 40%.
Well, at least Politicians can say they never forced banks to loan money to sub-prime borrowers who most likely won't pay the money back. Oh wait, we did that too under the Community Reinvestment Act signed by President Jimmy "Jews bring Terrorism on Themselves" Carter and made worse by Clinton policies that forced banks to lend to poorer people (read minorities) under the guise of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchasing the bad debt. I guess that's why we bailed them out?
Which brings us to our current debacle. In late 2008, before Bush got the boot, he passed the first Economic Recovery plan called TARP (Temporary Asset Relief Program) meant to help out the banks so that they would use their generous allotment of credit from the Federal Government to re-institute lending again to borrowers. Since that failed Obama is working on his Economic Recovery plan called CRAP 2 (Community Re-reinvestment Act Part 2).
Funny enough that the Federal Reserve didn't do in 1929 what it was created to do in 1913, and failed again to do in 2008 and all the other crashes in between, but we don't care. Funny enough that the Glass-Steagall Act which was created to prevent another Stock Market Crash of 1929 proportions, but was undone in 1999 by Bill Clinton, allowed our Stock Market to "decrease" by 40% last year, but we don't care. Funny enough that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1979, which forced banks into sub-prime markets, put banks into the position of making bad loans, but we don't care. What we do care about though is repeating this huge gargantuan lie over and over again that it was Free Market principles espoused by Republicans that led to our current situation. Who doesn't see the farce in that? The Federal Reserve, Fannie and Freddie, CRA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, were all created by Democrat Administrations.
All this won't really matter though. FDR used Keynesian Economics to revive our Economy in the 1930's, but ended up prolonging the Depression. Obama is doing the same with Infrastructure projects. FDR created Social Security, thus securing a dependent voter bloc and Obama will create Socialized Health Care, thus securing a larger dependent voter bloc. When something doesn't work, his patsies in the media will blame Republicans. As Chris Matthews of MSNBC stated, "it's my [Matthews] job to make Obama successful." So when I read "Democrats know the Republicans are wrong. Little children know they're wrong. Cats and dogs know they're wrong. But somehow this week, unbelievably, Obama and the Democrats seem to be losing the spin war." I know that anyone that opposes this Demagogue in Chief and his Trumpeters in the media is going to be in for it during the next four years.
I believe the problems in the country began back in 1913 when a secret meeting on Jekyll Island (how fitting) of America's most elite bankers and the Assist. Secretary of Treasury under Woodrow Wilson, drafted the Federal Reserve Act. Sounds farcical, but it's true, Forbes wrote an article on it and G. Edward Griffin wrote a book titled "The Creature from Jekyll Island" describing the process of how the Federal Reserve Act came to existence. It was created to prevent bank panics, be a lender of last resort, but most importantly the reason for its existence was to bring stability to our Economy. It failed 16 years after its creation when the Stock Market crashed in 1929, exacerbated by people who bought shares on speculation and used credit from banks to do it. The banks failed because the borrowers couldn't repay their loans and people ran the banks hoping to get their money out. Sound familiar?
Since then, we've instituted a number of safety measures to prevent this from occurring again. Namely the Glass-Steagall Act which separated Commercial Banks from Investment Banks as a result of the Pecora Commission which investigated the cause of the 1929 Stock Market Crash. Fortunately for us, Bill Clinton undid the Glass-Steagall Act under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowing Commercial Banks to merge with Investment Banks again. A great thing because we never speculated since and our Stock Market never lost value. Oh, never mind, our housing market fell by more than 20% in the last year and our Stock Market plummeted 40%.
Well, at least Politicians can say they never forced banks to loan money to sub-prime borrowers who most likely won't pay the money back. Oh wait, we did that too under the Community Reinvestment Act signed by President Jimmy "Jews bring Terrorism on Themselves" Carter and made worse by Clinton policies that forced banks to lend to poorer people (read minorities) under the guise of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchasing the bad debt. I guess that's why we bailed them out?
Which brings us to our current debacle. In late 2008, before Bush got the boot, he passed the first Economic Recovery plan called TARP (Temporary Asset Relief Program) meant to help out the banks so that they would use their generous allotment of credit from the Federal Government to re-institute lending again to borrowers. Since that failed Obama is working on his Economic Recovery plan called CRAP 2 (Community Re-reinvestment Act Part 2).
Funny enough that the Federal Reserve didn't do in 1929 what it was created to do in 1913, and failed again to do in 2008 and all the other crashes in between, but we don't care. Funny enough that the Glass-Steagall Act which was created to prevent another Stock Market Crash of 1929 proportions, but was undone in 1999 by Bill Clinton, allowed our Stock Market to "decrease" by 40% last year, but we don't care. Funny enough that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1979, which forced banks into sub-prime markets, put banks into the position of making bad loans, but we don't care. What we do care about though is repeating this huge gargantuan lie over and over again that it was Free Market principles espoused by Republicans that led to our current situation. Who doesn't see the farce in that? The Federal Reserve, Fannie and Freddie, CRA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, were all created by Democrat Administrations.
All this won't really matter though. FDR used Keynesian Economics to revive our Economy in the 1930's, but ended up prolonging the Depression. Obama is doing the same with Infrastructure projects. FDR created Social Security, thus securing a dependent voter bloc and Obama will create Socialized Health Care, thus securing a larger dependent voter bloc. When something doesn't work, his patsies in the media will blame Republicans. As Chris Matthews of MSNBC stated, "it's my [Matthews] job to make Obama successful." So when I read "Democrats know the Republicans are wrong. Little children know they're wrong. Cats and dogs know they're wrong. But somehow this week, unbelievably, Obama and the Democrats seem to be losing the spin war." I know that anyone that opposes this Demagogue in Chief and his Trumpeters in the media is going to be in for it during the next four years.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Socialized Medicine, Japanese style
I think most people think positive when it comes to Japan, and probably feel they're somewhat superior to the United States. Having been there, they're just the same as us. But there is a difference between us, our health care system. In Japan it's socialized, in the United States it hasn't been yet. However, under this Administration, things will probably change in the next four years and we can look forward to the following.
In this Associated Press article by Mari Yamaguchi, an elderly man was refused service 14 times before being admitted to a hospital, an hour after his collision between a motorcycle and his bicycle, and died shortly thereafter. The article further states, "More than 14,000 emergency patients were rejected at least three times by Japanese hospitals before getting treatment in 2007." According to the CIA World Factbook, Japan has an approximate population of 127.3 million. So statistically, 1 of every 9,093 people were delayed receiving medical treatment for an emergency condition.
The elderly man wasn't the only case of someone having been refused many times. An elderly woman was refused service 49 times in Tokyo. In another case, a pregnant woman was refused service 19 times and died from a brain hemorrhage after trying to give birth. These are isolated incidents, but highlight the problem with socialized medicine in an aging country much like the U.S. The Baby Boomer generation has already begun retiring, and straining Social Security. My generation faces the task of paying for it in ever increasing taxes or the Baby Boomers face the task of paying for it in ever decreasing services. Which is more likely? I expect a tax increase.
In this Associated Press article by Mari Yamaguchi, an elderly man was refused service 14 times before being admitted to a hospital, an hour after his collision between a motorcycle and his bicycle, and died shortly thereafter. The article further states, "More than 14,000 emergency patients were rejected at least three times by Japanese hospitals before getting treatment in 2007." According to the CIA World Factbook, Japan has an approximate population of 127.3 million. So statistically, 1 of every 9,093 people were delayed receiving medical treatment for an emergency condition.
The elderly man wasn't the only case of someone having been refused many times. An elderly woman was refused service 49 times in Tokyo. In another case, a pregnant woman was refused service 19 times and died from a brain hemorrhage after trying to give birth. These are isolated incidents, but highlight the problem with socialized medicine in an aging country much like the U.S. The Baby Boomer generation has already begun retiring, and straining Social Security. My generation faces the task of paying for it in ever increasing taxes or the Baby Boomers face the task of paying for it in ever decreasing services. Which is more likely? I expect a tax increase.
Rationalizing Terror
In this article by Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl the slain Wall Street Journal reporter, he highlights the legitimization of Islamic terrorism.
"...barbarism, often cloaked in the language of "resistance," has gained acceptance in the most elite circles of our society."
"This mentality of surrender then worked its way through politicians like the former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. In July 2005 he told Sky News that suicide bombing is almost man's second nature. "In an unfair balance, that's what people use," explained Mr. Livingstone."
"'It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Road-map for Peace are accepted by Israel.' - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter"
"Qatari-based Al Jazeera television, for example, is still providing Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi hours of free air time each week to spew his hateful interpretation of the Koran, authorize suicide bombing, and call for jihad against Jews and Americans."
"...barbarism, often cloaked in the language of "resistance," has gained acceptance in the most elite circles of our society."
"This mentality of surrender then worked its way through politicians like the former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. In July 2005 he told Sky News that suicide bombing is almost man's second nature. "In an unfair balance, that's what people use," explained Mr. Livingstone."
"'It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Road-map for Peace are accepted by Israel.' - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter"
"Qatari-based Al Jazeera television, for example, is still providing Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi hours of free air time each week to spew his hateful interpretation of the Koran, authorize suicide bombing, and call for jihad against Jews and Americans."
Dumb Pelosi
In case anyone wondered why I always pick on Nancy Pelosi's intelligence, watch this clip and you'll see why. She doesn't even stop to correct herself on this error. First of all, there are not even 500 million Americans. Secondly, if that many were losing their jobs every month, that means the population of the US would be more than six billion. It's just hilarious that this is the woman in charge of the House of Representatives. Of course, Liberals care more about championing the idea of having the first female Speaker of the House, much like they championed having the first female Secretary of State, however both were dimwits and yes, the pun is intended.
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