Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some more Change

Today it's announced that Obama will name former US Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle as his Secretary of Health and Human Services. This could be an important position in the future Obama Administration if he goes through with his National Health Care plan. Like I said before, we just need Bill Clinton to be US Ambassador to the UN to complete this "change" in Administrations.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another piece of Change

"President-elect Obama has decided to tap Eric Holder as his attorney general, putting the veteran Washington lawyer in place to become the first African-American to head the Justice Department..."

Eric Holder was Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno during President Clinton's Administration. He signed off on the Presidential Pardon of Fugitive Billionaire Financier Marc Rich. In case you forgot, Marc Rich was indicted by Rudy Giuliani for US Tax Evasion and making oil deals with Iran during the 1979 Iran Hostage Crises in which American Embassy Staff were held for 444 days under President Carter. This is just ridiculous. I can't wait for Obama to name Bill Clinton as his UN Ambassador, then we'll pretty much have the Clinton White House back in the White House but under President Obama. Musical Chairs anyone?


Obama's mantra during the Campaign was "Hope and Change." So far that change has included naming Rahm Emanuel his White House Chief of Staff. Emanuel was Bill Clinton's Senior Advisor and coordinated the '93 Oslo Accords between Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat. The Oslo Accords was the first formal meeting between PLO Chairman Arafat and an Israeli Head of State. It's eventual goal is the creation of a Palestinian State. Because of that goal, Israeli Nationalists , rightfully in my opinion, assassinated Yitzhak Rabin.

Second he has named Robert Gibbs his White House Press Secretary. Gibbs was Obama's Communication Director, he also was John Kerry's Press Secretary during the 2004 failed Presidential Campaign. He has also worked for other Democrat Campaigns, notably Fritz Hollings '98 Senatorial Campaign.

Third he has reportedly decided on Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. In the news today she has stated she would accept that cabinet post. Hillary Clinton also pushed Universal Health Care in the 90's, dubbed Hillary-Care, part of the reason the Republicans swept to power in '94. Not much more can be said about her that's not already known.

I haven't seen any change except that the Republican Administration will be leaving the White House on January 20, 2009 and will be replaced with Democrats. We'll see the same Liberal ideology forced upon us from Obama's platform National Health Care, which Rahm Emanuel also helped push under President Bill Clinton; we'll see the raising of taxes on the Upper Class, part of Obama's platform, which will further devastate our Economy, increase unemployment and depress the wages of Lower and Middle Classes; we'll see a stronger push towards dividing Israel (Obama calls himself a Christian, perhaps he should open his Bible and start reading from the beginning because he won't get far before he reads Genesis 12:3 and later Joel 3:2 which specifically mentions "they have divided up My land" and their punishment); during the Campaign Obama had "Truth Squads" which prosecuted "libel" and "slander," how long I ask myself as President would he tolerate dissension amongst the populace which leads me to further ask myself are restrictions on free speech possible when the 2nd Amendment (Right to Bear Arms) secures our 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech, based on Obama's past of voting to ban all semi-automatic weapons it's not a far stretch to believe he'll push to revive the Bill Clinton 1994 Assault Weapon Ban with even more restrictions.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Civilian National Security Force

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set,” he said Wednesday. “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”

Can someone explain what's the purpose of a Civilian National Security Force? Is that similar to the Gestapo of Nazi Germany or the Stasi of East Germany? Are little Eichmann Democrats going to run around and spy on their Republican neighbors who dislike the politics of his Majesty President Obama? Democrats are after all the Party of Intolerance.