"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few and for the few, time to reject the idea of an 'on your own' society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity. I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society." (Sen. Hillary Clinton, Remarks At Manchester School of Technology, Manchester, NH, 5/29/07)
I pray that this country does not elect this woman as President. We already have a problem with government seizures of private property in order to build businesses that will increase their tax receipts, i.e. Home Depots, Costcos, WalMarts, etc. Hillary has no problem stealing money from higher income earners to pay for her agenda and her programs. Can people not see the envy in her policies? "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable," is her mantra. If she believes in National Health Care, let her create a foundation that supports low income earners receiving supplemented health insurance plans, or free insurance at that. Stop the insane nonsense that it's everyone else's burden to take care of people that don't want to take care of themselves. Again, I'll paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, the less we do for others, the more they're forced to do for themselves. Let's erase the notion that envy is a virtue. Defeat Hillary!!!